Planning - Next steps for NA RALO
Planning - Next steps for NA RALO
This page lists the suggestions for NARALO activities in the coming 12 months. All the NARALO community is welcome to add suggestions to the list.
We will first compile them and then prioritize them.
North American outreach activities
- Organize a thematic workshop during upcoming ICANN LA meeting
- Organize or suggest orientation activities during the LA meeting
- Develop initiative for recruitment of new potential ALSs
- Produce resources to assist ALSs in educating their constituencies (and the public) about ICANN and its issues
- Produce strategic plan regarding strategic ALS recruitment
- Create a working group, and organize a workshop at the LA meeting, related to individual participation within At-Large
- Target 50% growth in 2008
- Plan outreach activities in advance of LA meeting
- Encourage new ALS outreach through peer groups of existing ALSs
- Start the process for an At-Large Global Summit to involve ALSs and RALOs
- Organize outreach meeting in the US similar to the one Jacob held in Toronto
- Compile list of potential events where such meetings
Structural activities
- Select chair and secretariat
- Launch initiative for At-Large to have voting representation on ICANN board
- Launch initiative to review selection and appointment of ALAC members
Policy activities
- Rights of Registrants
- What Registrants' rights do we advocate
- New gTLDs
- IDNs
- IPv6
- DNSsec
- Promote inclusion of youth into Fellowship program
We should connect with research institutions to generate more research and discourse on topics of importance to At Large. (Understood that studies can be requested directly from ICANN - but this would integrate with an outreach strategy.)
Global Policy Working Groups
- Telecom
- Identify other policy fields which impact ICANN policy
- Social Responsibility
- Youth Engagement