Summary Minutes 15 December 2008
Meeting Summary of Tele-Conference
September 22, 2008
Attending: Heidi Ullrich, Alan Greenburg, Danny Younger, Glenn McKnight, Darlene Thompson, Evan Liebovitz, Gareth Shearman, Seth Reiss, Wendy Seltzer
1. Previous Agenda Items
2. Performance Review of NARALO Representatives to the ALAC
Evan: As neither Beau nor Robert are on this call this may be a little tricky. As we are all aware, Staff sends out performance parameters on all of the ALAC. There are many people on the ALAC that are not participating and we are under the unfortunate situation of having one of such amongst us. This is very serious. Evan has had personal phone calls with such people in our own region.
Wendy: Are there things that the regional reps should be doing that they haven’t that aren’t shown on this list.
Danny: They should be showing up at ALAC and NARALO meetings.
Evan: We need to make ALAC work. It needs to be in proactive mode rather than reactive mode. ALAC has a big problem with people not carrying their weight.
Darlene: Its not just lack of attendance but lack of performance during f2f meetings. We need some way of judging this. It can’t just be metrics but also actual participation.
Alan: We need to look at the subjective, not just the metrics.
Evan: Yes, that is why we cut Beau a lot of slack because we can see that he does a lot of things behind the scenes that the numbers don’t bear out.
Danny: What conversations with the Chair have we had?
Evan: The Chair reports that she tried to talk with our ALAC reps during Cairo but was unable. NARALO can make a formal request to the chair of ALAC to make a Section 11 recall. This must be passed by a super-majority.
Danny: I have no problem with that.
Alan: Let’s ASK him to step down.
Evan: He has had that chat with Robert last week and was told that Robert would get back to him whenever he felt able. He first suggested by Mexico but was informed that we would need to know sooner.
Alan: We have never made it clear what we expect of people.
Evan: In the case that we ask Robert to step down, then we need to have one of us step up. Evan (and Darlene) is not interested (plus it would be a conflict of interest).
Evan: What further action should we take on this? We need to give him a fair amount of time. Until early/mid-January – before the next meeting. We don’t want to let dirty linen out to dry so we don’t want to take formal action. If we do not hear from Robert before the next meeting, then we will take formal action at the next meeting.
3. ALS Application of Knujon
Evan: Knujon has applied as of Dec. 1. It hasn’t yet gone through staff channels and we have not yet received this from Staff. Evan would like to fast-track this for Mexico as this is an excellent group.
Darlene: This still has to go through the ICANN due diligence process.
Evan: Put forth a motion that NARALO accept the Knujon application pending a favourable Due Diligence Report. Danny has seconded this.
Danny: We aren’t going too fast, staff is going too slow.
Heidi: She is aware that some ALSs need to be put through urgently and she will move this one to the top of the stack. This will now move straight to ALAC rather than going to the region.
4. Update to NCUC changes in regards to public participation
Alan: Currently the GNSO is made up of various constituencies, of which NCUC is one. They are still looking for a plan to make up a new stakeholders group with the GNSO. Various methods have been put forward.
For next steps on this, we’ll need Beau’s input.
Danny: We should move forward on this to put together a small, exploratory group to look at what a Consumer Constituency would look like.
Evan: If we are confused here, then there must be much more in other regions.
Danny would like to work with Alan and Beau on this project. Evan and Gareth would also like to participate. Heidi will set up a separate list for this.
5. Comments and actions regarding registrars and the RAA
Danny/Alan: Matters are now in the hands of ALAC so its now beyond NARALO. GNSO holds the meeting on the topic on the 18th. It will make a decision one way or another and the various parts of At-Large should be inputting into that. The GNSO will be given the opportunity to pass the package as a whole or reject it.
Danny will draft something out to the list that we can hammer on and, hopefully, we can get something in before the January GNSO meeting.
6. Summit GA
Heidi: All GA agenda items for the Summit must be completed by the end of January and all documents by Feb. 13.
Evan: We can get people thinking about this during the next few weeks and nail it down on the next telephone conference.
7. New GTLD Process
Danny would like us to start discussing the implementation phase of the new GTLD process. We need to do some thinking on how to proceed on these issues so that it doesn’t look like we are grandstanding but to also let the user universe know what is happening. We need active support from other GNSO constituencies then we might be able to present this. The IPC and Business Constituencies have expressed their concerns. This will be further discussed on line.
Meeting adjourned: 3:12