Summary Minutes 16 March 2009
NARALO Meeting
Summary Minutes
March 16, 2009
Present: Garth Bruen, Beau Brendler, Darlene Thompson, Gareth Shearman, Evan Liebovitch, Seth Reiss, Eduardo Diaz, Monique Chartrand
Staff: Heidi Ullrich
Apologies: Glenn McKnight
1. Roll Call
2. Review of the Summary Items of 03 March 2009
3. Review of the Action Items of 03 March 2009
4. Open Public Comment Periods
a. New Stakeholder Group Petitions and Charters – Deadline: April 5
b. RAA Amendment Package - Deadline: April 6
c. ALAC Review WG Final Draft – Deadline: April 17
d. Proposed Framework for FY10 Budget – Deadline: April 30
e. New gTLD Draft Applicant Handbook – Deadline: April 30
Does anybody have any comments on any of these? Beau suggests that ALAC needs to have a reformulation on what we want to say on the RAA Amendment Package and the New gTLD Draft Applicant Handbook since work has really moved ahead on these. The WGs dealing with these topics will be notified so as to continue work on this. Also, we would like to see general notices come out so that others can join working groups as they would like to.
People were generally happy with the working groups. People are having difficulties finding the final statements, though. Heidi reports that the WG statements will be circulated shortly.
Proposed Agenda Items:
1. Update on the results of the At-Large Summit and next steps (Evan, Darlene and Alan)
a. Summit Declaration: content and next steps
There were all kinds of appreciation shown to the summit organizers, ICANN staff, Evan’s speech, etc. It was expressed that hopefully the ALAC will take some pages from the Summit experience to better organize.
c. Changes to NARALO Operating Principles
Proposed change to rules of procedure enabling a recall procedure for NARALO's elected
The changes made in Mexico were reviewed but not all amendments were made as we ran out of time. One thing that is still missing is the ability to recall the Chair, Secretariat and elected ALAC members. Do we want this to be part of our Operating Principles? Basically, this is to provide a way for NARALO to recall these ones as per certain principles (we will have to provide a standard for this).
Let’s have a clause drafted for circulation to the group. We can then pound on it and then vote on it for the next meeting. The criteria must include, not just attendance, but also participation in working groups, policy planning, etc. Darlene and Gareth will put together some wording for the group, to be presented and discussed on the mailing list; a final version will be voted on at the next NARALO conference call.
A recall, as a serious issue, must not be trivial or personally motivated; it will require some kind of super-majority approval. As reference GNSO council uses 66% for a super-majority; Eduardo suggested 75% for NARALO.
3. Recent Activities of ALAC (Alan, Beau and Gareth)
There have been no recent activities since Mexico.
4. New GNSO Petitions and Charters
a. NCUC Charter
b. Tentative Proposal for Structuring the NCSG submitted by Cheryl Preston
c. Consumer Constituency (Beau)
Alan would normally brief us on this but was unable to attend this meeting. Beau and Gareth reported on some of this. Cheryl Preston teaches at Brigham Young University. The Charter that she submitted is a bit more easy to understand than that put forward by the NCUC. Thus there are two competing efforts for the structuring of the NCSG. NCUC has been courting Beau on this and Cheryl has (or is wanting to) approach ALAC on her views. They have also both shown willingness to incorporate each other’s views into the “opposing” charters.
It would be good if NARALO could put forward a position. ALAC (as the voice of the end-users) will definitely be doing something on this, too. Heidi will send out the appropriate links.
4. Recent Activities of other RALOs (Staff)
All of the other RALOs had their GAs as well. Sergio is now Chair and Andres is Secretariat for LAC. Wolf was re-elected as Chair and Desi as Secretariat for EU.
5. Any Other business
Is it possible to have the Adobe Connect for these meetings? Heidi will check on this.
The Registration Abuse policy WG is just getting started up so if anybody is interested, you should join up. This is mainly dominated by registrars and we really need more of an end-user voice. If you are interested, contact Beau.
There is going to be an ICANN sponsored meeting in Toronto in August for contracted parties (registrars). These meetings have been generally opaque and closed although these ones participated in Summit meetings and proclaimed their transparency and welcoming attitude to others. Evan will be testing this out. HU will provide more information on these regional meetings.
Beau has been encouraged to join the WG on new gTLDs and IP concerns to represent consumer confusion issues. He has been told that the commitment required will be 15 full working days over the next two months and he is unsure whether he can commit this kind of time. Is there somebody else that can do this? Contact Beau if you are interested.