Summary Minutes 12 April 2010

Summary Minutes 12 April 2010

Discussion Notes 12 April

Participants: Eduardo Diaz, Joly McFae, Gareth Shearman, Evan Leibovitch, Garth Bruen, Alan Greenberg, Myles Brathwaite, Glenn McKnight, Seth Reiss
Staff: Matthias Langenegger, Seth Greene

Public Consultations:

Alan: Verizon submitted Registry Service Request called "Domain Name exchange service", which allows the registrant changing the names on the fly. I will submit a comment on this but there might not be enough time to get through the official PAD schedule.

Gareth: I believe there is a potential for abuse and we should comment on it

Evan: I suggest Gareth, Garth and Alan discuss this offline and write a draft NARALO comment

AI: Alan will send out a Statement on R-Step request in general (Registry Service Request) to the list.

AI: Alan will send out an email briefing At-Large on the Registry Service Request from Verizon

.XXX Case

Alan: I believe the ALAC is preparing a Statement on this public consultation

Evan: Should we submit a Statement that ICANN needs to review its decision to dismiss the .xxx application following the court's decision?

Gareth: I believe we need to allow free speech

Garth: I agree

AI: Gareth will draft a NARALO Statement on the .xxx case (see http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#icm-options-report)

Alan: I believe there are much more important issues on the table at the moment like for example vertical integration

Beau: it should be a very short and simple Statement

Review of the Nairobi

Alan: It was a good meeting from At-Large's point of view. There were very few people from the GNSO and almost no policy discussion took place. There was good remote participation but very little discussion.

Beau: I was occupied with the consumer constituency. We managed to get a good number of people together to start talking about the issues and started a mailing list with 25 subscribers. I did some outreach to a UK consumer group. I also talked to Staff to organise a consumer event in Brussels. The goal is to have a Statement on consumer interests by Brussels.

Alan: Debbie from the red cross brought up the idea to create a philantropic constituency.

Beau: We also recruited a new ALS as part of the African outreach efforts

Evan: I found the Nairobi meeting less confrontational than usual. I participated in two ALAC-GAC initiatives: categorization of new gTLD (Betrand started a WG to work through the different arguments on this issue) and morality and public order.

Gareth: It was a positive meeting from ALAC's point of view and we got our lead candidate to the AOC Review Team.

5. Update on the At-Large Board Selection process

The BCEC has been started and the RoP, SoI the reference guide and the criteria list have been finalised and are currently under review by ICANN's legal department.

6. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC

7. Upcoming activities of NARALO members

Joly: the meeting on .nyc was postponed

Gareth: Darlene and I participated in a meeting in Vancouver

Eduardo: Just to remind you that the NomCom is looking from three positions. If you are interested, please go to the NomCom page.

Evan: We had a call on the NARALO brochure. The tone of the brochure is "The Internet needs you, come help us". See NARALO Flier - Draft Version

Eduardo: We want to finish the brochure by the end of the week

Evan: The brochure will be translated into French and Spanish but we do not know whether we will get printed versions of all three versions.

AI: Matthias to find out whether it is possible to have printed versions of the FR and ES versions of the brochure


AI: Garth will send out an email on the WHOIS Statement which he is working on with Carlton

Beau: I will check with Carlton to see where he is with the Statement and whether the Statement will go through the official ALAC Policy process

Matthias: The draft Brussels agend is now available under: https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi?at_large_brussels_schedule You can add agenda items directly to the page.

Evan: The next meeting will be at 300 am EST (1900 UTC)