Summary Minutes 11 January 2010

Summary Minutes 11 January 2010

Participants: Eduardo Diaz, Beau Brendler, Evan Leibovitch, Wendy Seltzer, Alan Greenberg, Seth, Miles, Glenn McKnight, Gareth
Apologies: Darlene Thompson
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Matthias Langenegger

Defensive registration IDN

Bart Boswinkel: IDN ccTLDs were launched in Seoul and the strings are currently in the application process. There will be IDN ccTLDs in the near future and they will have their own naming policies. ICANN has no direct influence on the naming policy of IDN ccTLDs. Whether there will be defensive registration in an IDN ccTLD is up to the local administrators.

Alan: it is unclear whether the IDN ccTLD are going to be synchronised with the existing ccTLD record.

Evan: do name holders have to be worried about IDN ccTLD registering latin names of existing strings in their IDN ccTLD?

Bart: that is also up to the local naming policy

Alan: would the inverse be possible, namely that a IDN ccTLD name holder could file a UDRP against the latin name holder in, say, .com?

Eduardo: does a UDRP need to be filed in English?

Bart: UDRPs can be filed in any language

Evan: Is there anywhere in ICANN where registrants can go to for information on whether a message they received regarding defensive registration in an IDN ccTLD is valid?

Bart: ICANN does not have this information. I advise registrants to go to www.wipo.int and look for information on the UDRP. It depends on whether it is a generic name or not. If it is a generic name, the rules of the UDRP apply.

Wendy: what is more important is that people know the difference between a trademark and a domain name. If you have a trademark you might not need to register a domain name.

Open Public Consultation

ICANN Strategic Plan

There is a community call on the ICANN Strategic Plan 2010 - 2013 on Friday, 1600 UTC. See https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi?community_call_on_strategic_planning_2010_2013

New gTLD

There will be a WG call on the Draft Applicant Guidebook later this week. Time still to be determinded.

Formalization of the status of individual NARALO members

Evan: this is an important issue because of the At-Large Director process. What role will individual NARALO members play in the election? Until now, everybody who was subscribed to the mailing list was a NARALO member and decisions were taken by consensus. This needs to be more formalized.

Evan: in the next online vote our individual members will get voting credentials so we need to know who they are. Does anyone disagree that we have a database of individual members?

Question from unidentified participant: what is an individual, unaffiliated member?

Evan: Members who do not represent or participate in an ALS. Each ALS has one vote and all individual members together have one vote. This is important when it comes to the At-Large Director vote as they will need to be weighted and counted as one ALS. This is technically possible. It is therefore important to know who our ind members are and have a public registry.

Action Item: Evan will put this issue to the mailing list

At-Large Director White Paper

Evan: This is a very thorough document and constitutes a milestone for At-Large. Please read it and submit your comments as soon as possible. The comment periods are short.

Alan: The reason why this document was mostly edited by the ExCom is because by the ALAC meeting in December almost nothing was done. It was not planned that the ExCom would have the main responsibility for this document.

Evan: make your thoughts known on the mailing lists or on the wiki page!

Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Alan, Beau, and Gareth)

Gareth: the At-Large Director process is the most pressing issue at the moment

Update on the NARALO Brochure (Eduardo, Evan, Louis)

Action Item: Eduardo, Louis and Evan will work together on the NARLO Brochure in the coming weeks

Update on the NARALO Discussion on the Strategic Plan 2010-13

Evan: I hope many of you will participate in the community call on the Strategic Plan on Friday.

The next NARALO call will take place on February 8th 2010 at 2000 UTC.