Summary Minutes 10 August 2009

Summary Minutes 10 August 2009

Present: Glenn McKnight, Darlene Thompson, Heidi Ulrich, Garth Bruen, Eduardo Diaz, Gareth Shearman, Evan Leibovitch, Alan Greenberg, Seth Reiss, Wendy Seltzer

1. Roll Call

2. Review of the Summary Minutes 13 July 2009

3. Review of the Action Items 13 July 2009

WIPO – Seth’s understanding of the WIPO report is that nobody is too excited about how this report came out.

Garth Bruen is satisfied with the way things turned out for him on the issue of his temporary lack of access to the ICANN WHOIS problem reporting system.

4. Open Public Comment Periods

This includes: restructuring of the GNSO council, Geographic regions, improving accountability, proposed ICANN meeting dates, among others.

On the ICANN meetings dates, we have suggested trading meetings 40 and 41 in 2011 so that the NA meeting will happen in the summer (rather than the winter) and the AP one earlier in the year when it won’t be so hot. Honolulu has been suggested but interest has been shown from other cities (Toronto & Quebec).

On restructuring of the GNSO council, there has been some controversy on the lists. The Board has made the decision that we will be going ahead one way or another. NARALO has no firm opinion on this.

*a. At-Large Policy Development Schedule*

This tracks the various things that are going on. It goes through the due dates and closing dates for various comments. This allows people to dive in where they would like to.

Glenn McKnight and Garth Bruen will join in with the Post-Expiration Domain Name PDP.

Proposed Agenda Items

1. Regional Advice

a. San Francisco Bay Area ISOC

Motion by Eduardo Diaz to approve both. Seconded by Gareth Shearman. All in agreement.

Regional advice: approve.

b. Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group

Regional advice: approve.

2. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Alan, Beau, and Gareth)

The position description for the ALAC NomCom will be going out in the next few days for comment. We need as many comments as possible from both the RALOs as well as ALAC people.

3. Election Calls – process and deadlines

a. Agreeing the process/deadline for the ALAC Election call

There are four spots that we need to fill. Direct spots are: Chair, Secretariat and one ALAC.

We also need to recommend someone for one or more people to sit on the NomCom. How we go about it needs to be decided. We need to have a “job description” for this position. How important is experience? Should this person be from At-Large or can we accept others? Can this person be affiliated with a registrar? We need to forward our suggestion for this position must be forwarded by Sept. 1.

We can open the nomination period now, closing on August 23 and have the election the following week.

Anyone interested in the NomCom position, should contact Ross Rader as to a good description as to what the job entails. Also, any person interested should put together an e-mail stating their qualifications.

4. At-Large Travel Funding for FY2010

a. Proposed options

Options have been put forward to ICANN. ALAC would like to have regional face-to-face regions. Tomorrow’s briefing may help on this.

b.Community briefings 11 August 2009

5. Planning for the Seoul Meeting

Heidi: Staff has created a template for the Seoul meeting (link above) so that we can add comments to the meetings that are there now or add ALAC meetings.

6. Updates and Reports

a. IGF (Monique)

Monique not available.

b. New gTLD Global Events (Danny Younger)

Danny not available.

c. IRT: “Rebooting the IRT” (Evan)

Its one thing to say that we don’t like the IRT but we still need to send in useful suggestions. Evan has been trying to come up with just this. Both ALAC and NCUC are against the IRT as it is now. We need to bring together a more representative group to do this. Unfortunately, we don’t have the financial self-interest for volunteers to drop everything and work on this (like trademark lawyers would). This will be discussed further on-line, mostly within the At-Large gTLD Working Group .

7. Any other Business

On our Sept. 14 meeting, we will be starting ½ hour earlier for Adobe Connect training.

Garth: There was a very important WHOIS call scheduled at the same time as this call. Why was this conflict allowed? Garth and Heidi will work on this.