Summary Minutes 12 May 2008

Summary Minutes 12 May 2008

Attending: Darlene Thompson; Gareth Shearman; Frederic Teboul; Alan Greenburg; Danny Younger; Seth Reiss; Sylvia Caras; Evan Leibovitch

1. Roll Call – 3:15, as above

2. Adoption of the summary minutes 14 april 2008


3. Review of action item 14 april 2008 (no Action Items this month)


4. Pending action on the ALAC statement on the GNSO review

What do people think of the joint statement? There has been much discussion on list on this topic on-list. Is there still specific action for our region to take on this? Nick has been helping to put together a modified document. Is this sufficient? RALO input at this late a date will probably not sway the Board and we probably don’t have enough support for any one position at this time.

It seems that they are now trying to wipe out the voting rights of NomCom members. There are those that feel that only those that have been elected from their constituency should vote and others that feel that NomCom members should vote, as well. There are not enough people on this call to come to consensus on this matter.

How do we come up with statement in the NARALO? We seem to go by loose consensus. If there are divergent views, then we try to incorporate them into our documents. Other than that, we try to get everybody to agree. We attempt to solicit the opinion of each ALS and then go with that. However, we need to document this properly when we make a statement – that its not just one or two people making these statements it’s the entire RALO.

5. Revisiting the NARALO position on domain tasting

Should we be revisiting our previous stand on the AGP as the source vs. domain tasting at the symptom of the problem? The public comment period has expired on this so do we really want to re-open this can of worms? Do we want to stand on principal or on something that actually works in practical terms? Alan feels that ALAC has actually taken a stand and has been effective. Generally, we need to pick our battles and not just stand on principal for principal’s sake alone. Sometimes we need to consider how effective we are going to be. We need to keep in mind that advisory bodies are not negotiating bodies.

6. At-Large Policy Briefs

Evan put out a call for people to contribute policy briefs. He has created a template, now is the time to populate it. He would like to have a few of them by Paris. Let’s use the domain tasting issue as a good start on one. Frederic asks that we send a note to him so that Staff can contribute to this, too.

7. ALAC Review

Has everybody given their comments into the ALAC review? Although it is officially closed, there is still room to submit. – Those that wished to submit comments have. Danny is concerned that there wasn’t enough time for the reviewers to complete their research and due-diligence. He was concerned that they wouldn’t have time to review each ALS. The question is what is the mandate? Are they just reviewing ALAC or also ALSs? The answer is not clear.

8. Front-Running Issues Report

Alan’s report: He will be sending out a record of all of the motions so he is not going to read it verbatim. Front running is when a registrant uses data when someone asks for information about a domain name and then holds the domain name for monetization or to sell it to the interested party at a higher cost. A working group has been put together to discuss this over the next few weeks so as to bring more information to the meeting in Paris. Various people from various constituencies and liaisons will be asked to participate in the working group. It isn’t structured for open access but Alan believes that any interested parties could take part.

9. New Business


10. Adjourn