Zoom Chat: 2020-02-18 GAC & ALAC Leadership Team Call
00:26:54 Heidi Ullrich: Summary notes will be sent following the call.
00:28:00 Jorge Cancio: Hi everyone!
00:29:03 Michelle DeSmyter: @Manal - this is noted
00:29:20 Manal Ismail: @Michelle Thanks !!
00:32:45 Justine Chew: Item 2
00:32:52 Julia Charvolen: 1. EPDP
2. Sub Pro
3. Cooperation on capacity building
4. Contacts and cooperation on regional/national levels
5. AOB
00:34:22 Evin Erdoğdu: Thank you Julia!
00:35:20 Evin Erdoğdu: 1) EPDP
Like at our previous joint meetings, the GAC and ALAC representatives to the EPDP are asked to present the state of play at the EPDP, with focus on opportunities for joint action
00:35:26 Evin Erdoğdu: 2) SubPro
Outcome of the intersessional meeting of the GAC Focus Group on Subsequent Procedures of new gTLD and members of the At-Large SubPro Small Group that will take place before ICANN67 to make the first preliminary assessment of opportunities for cooperation, and next steps.
00:35:33 Evin Erdoğdu: 3. Cooperation on capacity building
Further cooperation in capacity building, such as development of training materials for joint use, and possible joint CB event at ICANN68
00:35:40 Evin Erdoğdu: 4.Contacts and cooperation on regional/national level
An idea of extending contacts and cooperation between GAC representatives and At Large Structures on regional and/or national level was evoked at the joint GAC/ALAC meeting at ICANN66. As a pilot, EURALO is conducting a survey among its member ALS'es and independent members to find out to what extent such contacts and cooperation already exist in the framework of regional/national multistakeholder cooperation. Results, if any, will be reported and next steps discussed.
00:35:45 Evin Erdoğdu: 5. AOB
00:38:15 Heidi Ullrich: 16:00-16:45
00:38:26 Heidi Ullrich: @Yrjo, correct, it is only 45 mins.
00:43:05 Hadia Elminiawi : apologies for joining late
00:43:38 Michelle DeSmyter: Welcome Hadia
00:44:15 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): Looking good Yrjö..
00:44:49 Manal Ismail: Looks good to me too .. Thanks Yrjö ..
00:45:30 Yrjo Lansipuro: Thank you Manal and Maureen
00:48:58 Luisa Paez: Hi everyone! This is a great graphic, thank you.
00:51:36 Jorge Cancio: thanks for sharing the draft ALAC scorecard! btw: would you have it in an additional format? (I have issues with the font used in parts of the pdf)
00:53:59 Jonathan Zuck: Have folks on the GAC seen the video we did on geographic names?
00:54:39 Manal Ismail: I haven't .. Can you please share @Jonathan
00:54:49 Jorge Cancio: link to the video?
00:55:44 Yrjo Lansipuro: Perhaps we can show the video in Cancún
00:55:46 Jorge Cancio: @ALAC colleagues: as I said some of us have trouble with reading the scorecard/whitepaper you have kindly shared
00:55:54 Jorge Cancio: there seems to be a format issue
00:56:05 Jorge Cancio: would you have it in additional formats?
00:58:23 Yrjo Lansipuro: @Jorge: thank you for pointing that out. What format would you prefer?
00:59:28 Jorge Cancio: @Yrjo: word? google doc? (normally pdfs work, but this one has some compatibility issue with some of its fonts)
00:59:38 Yrjo Lansipuro: OK
01:03:36 Manal Ismail: I think we need to digest what you have just shared ..
01:04:03 Manal Ismail: We are working on a similar exercise that we hope to complete by Cancun ..
01:04:35 Luisa Paez: Thank you lots of good and comprehensive information! Yes, we would need to digest :)
01:08:07 Luisa Paez: Yes, PICS is a very important area for the GAC as well.
01:13:23 Justine Chew: @Manal, the same applies to us
01:14:10 Hadia Elminiawi : Yes Luisa
01:17:10 Justine Chew: @Luisa, same as our Appendix C
01:18:45 Manal Ismail: We have a significant number of new representatives which mandates the capacity building Luisa is mentioning to make sure we bring everyone up to speed ..
01:20:01 Jorge Cancio: the meeting is open, as usual
01:22:24 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): Thank you Luisa for that comprehensive explanation of what is happening in the GAC. This will greatly assist us for planning our future collaborative interactions
01:23:57 Luisa Paez: You're very welcome!
01:24:23 Luisa Paez: Looking forward to our collaboration.
01:24:24 Jorge Cancio: with the new SubPro workplan timeline we have a bit of extra time to get coordination going
01:24:50 Hadia Elminiawi : Thanks all - bye for now
01:24:51 Evin Erdoğdu: Thank you all
01:24:56 Jorge Cancio: thanks all and bye! see you in Cancun!
01:24:56 Manal Ismail: Thanks everyone .. Bye ..