ALT 2015.03.30 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Monthly Meeting on Monday, 30 March 2015 at 15:00 UTC
Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
Silvia Vivanco:Hello everyone
Maureen Hilyard:Happy Birthday Silvia..
Julie Hammer:Happy Birthday, Silvia!!!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you very much ! :) I am happy to celebrate with you all today
Holly Raiche:Happy Birthday Silvia
Heidi Ullrich 2::) Happy Birthday!
Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone
Gisella Gruber:Welcome Leon!
Gisella Gruber:We thought you were on holiday
Leon Sanchez:I am on the ACC call
Leon Sanchez:I am on holiday!
Leon Sanchez:but I just can't seem to let go....
Leon Sanchez:I just came to say hi and apologize :P
Leon Sanchez:so I'll let you all enjoy your call
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:what is a.... "holiday" (is that how you spell it?)
Leon Sanchez:bye bye!
Holly Raiche:Bye Leon
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I cannot see any slides
Gisella Gruber:Dev and Glenn have joined the call
Glenn McKnight:We just finished the TT call
Glenn McKnight:A great calll with Josh and the remote hubs
Glenn McKnight:Splitting off of entities is for reduciing legal risk
Gisella Gruber:Evan has joined the call on audio bridge
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:No, we hear you
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:better --- Julei was very faint
Julie Hammer:Sorry, will speak more loudly.
Holly Raiche:When is the webinar? Details?
Holly Raiche:Please remember Friday is a public holilday here
Ariel Liang:IANA CWG Co-Chair Summary is out now:
Holly Raiche:I hope the webinar will be held for more than one time slot
Evan Leibovitch:hi. i have to drop off the call. I attended because i have to announce my immediate resignation as chair of the new gTLD WG and co chair of Future Challenges
Evan Leibovitch:no decision yet on other posts, that will be done after discussion within NARALO
Ariel Liang:Also, the video interview of the CWG Co-Chairs on the F2F meeting:
Ariel Liang:Election & selection page:
Heidi Ullrich 2:@Alan, all RALO positions (NOT ALAC) will likely not be selected by all RALOs
Silvia Vivanco:That is correct AGM 2015 is when RALO leadership
Silvia Vivanco:positions come into place
Silvia Vivanco:Note: LACRALO ROPs are under review and comment, rules on elections may change shortly.
Silvia Vivanco:and AFRALO is also reviewing their ROPs
Glenn McKnight:Not a discussion yet with NARALO
Silvia Vivanco:so the timeframe on Regional elections may change
Glenn McKnight:@siliva i sent you a message on this
Glenn McKnight:Where is table link , not able to read it
Glenn McKnight:I see it's a draft no problem
Glenn McKnight:can't read the table despite enlarged
Ariel Liang:@Glenn - you can download the table from the agenda page here:
Alan Greenberg:There are links in the agenda
Ariel Liang:agenda no. 6
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Ariel now I can see it clearly
Ariel Liang:np
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:ICANN Auction announcement
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:think its what you've said, Alan
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Next Auction is 29 April for .MAP .LIVING .SEARCH .FUN
Ariel Liang:Policy Development activitie:
Ariel Liang:Internationalized registratoin data:
Ariel Liang:FY16 Operating Plan & Budget:
Silvia Vivanco:here :
Silvia Vivanco:•20 April - ALAC Chair announces call for nominations and Statements of Interest•20 April - 1 May - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 10 working days).•8 May - Deadline for nomination acceptances•11 May - 22 May - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).•25 May - RALO Chairs to inform ALAC Chair of Selection Results. ALAC Chair to inform NomCom Chair and Chair-Elect of ALAC Selection Results•2015 AGM [ ICANN 54 ] - Newly elected ALAC representative shall be seated on the ALAC at the close of the 2015 AGM on Thursday, 22nd October 2015.
Silvia Vivanco:
Silvia Vivanco:POSITIONSNARALO Chair: Currently held by Garth Bruen. Current term ends on 16 October 2015 at the end of the 2015 Annual General Meeting (AGM). The new term starts immediately after the end of the current term and continues until the end of the 2016 AGM. Garth is not term limited and is eligible for re-selection.NARALO Secretariat: Currently held by Evan Leibovitch. Current term ends on 16 October 2015 at the end of the 2015 AGM. The new term starts immediately after the end of the current term and continues until the end of the 2016 AGM. Evan Leibovitch is not term limited and is eligible for re-selection.NARALO ALAC Representative Member: Currently held by Eduardo Diaz. He is term limited and will need to vacate the seat. This position will need to be filled. Current term ends on 22 October 2015 at the end of the 2015 AGM. The new term starts immediately after the end of the current term and continues until the end of the 2015 AGM. Eduardo is completing his second term and under the NARALO Operatin
Silvia Vivanco:Please be so kind to review the NARALO wiki and discuss it with Evan and Judith and let us know if you agree
Silvia Vivanco:with the proposed schedule
Heidi Ullrich 2:The ALAC agenda will be updated after this call.
Silvia Vivanco:sorry wrong chat, reminding NARALO re proposed schedule
Holly Raiche:Just a thought for the ALAC agenda - schedule for BA
Heidi Ullrich 2:See:
Heidi Ullrich 2:CCWG IG workspace:
Ariel Liang:CCWG IG Charter is here:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Any discussion re: CROPP RT ?
Julie Hammer:Bye!
Heidi Ullrich 2:bye!
Ariel Liang:Thank you all bye bye