APRALO Action Items 25.10.2011
APRALO Action Items 25.10.2011
AIs by Pavan:
- Staff to work with Regional Officers to send APRALO ALSes the APRALO brochures
- APRALO ALSes to work with Staff to learn the number of members that each ALS has.
- APRALO to have a webinar on the results of the Whois Final Report (recorded) and then sub-title it with different languages. Silvia to work with APRALO. Liz from staff to present.
- Secretariat to send a note re the Framework Interpretation WG and work with CLO. Sala volunteers.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to forward to the APRALO Mailing List a link to the new Registrants Rights, DNS Issues and RAA wiki workspace. This workspace is to include a link to a page where a plain language RAA can be can be drafted.
- Staff to send KISA the ALS starter kit.
- APRALO to comment on IDN variant PCs – esp. Arabic, Devanagari, and Chinese. Rank and file membership of ALSes as well as individuals (outside of ALSes) should be involved. (Sala will help organize)
- MA to set up an At-Large Workspace for all of the IDN Variant PCs (with links to each of the individual case studies)
- APRALO Secretariat is to work with relevant staff on an EDM version of the APRALO brochure, depending on resource availability.
- APRALO brochure to be translated into Arabic.