APRALO Chat 26.07.11
Pavan Budhrani: hi
Charles Mok: hi. The agenda etc are not loaded yet? I don't see...
CLO: Hi All I'm on the call but on mute for a short while
Pavan Budhrani: agenda is on the wiki charles
CLO: Hi Kevin WELCOME :-) Kevin is one of our ISOC-AU ALS Members ( ex Director of ISOC-AU) he has a piece of AoB to raise
CLO: as I noted in the comments to the Agenda page
CLO: Me Me Me I'm here
Gisella Gruber-White: Fouad is driving and we will dial back to him in 10 minutes
CLO: Yup that was an AI from Singapore
CLO: There is still time for the Dev Ecinomies one to have our inout this PC is just the 2nd Milestone Report the Final is to come
CLO: Ergh typos
CLO: be nice to have it endoresed BY APRALO
CLO: can PicISOC hold the pen and we be ready to endorse....
Gisella Gruber-White: we are dialling out to Siva
Sivasubramanian M: Thanks Gisella
CLO: and we need to work on the GAC Members from these countries as well....
Gisella Gruber-White: Siva has joined the call - welcome!
CLO: I hold the Pen on the ALAC draft comments so we sort of do have 'input' happy to speak to that
Sivasubramanian M: rather than comment on Rod's comments on the NOI, why don't we comment on the NOI itself, and submit our comments to the FNOI?
Charles Mok: Hi Kevin, welcome
Gisella Gruber-White: Vivek sends his apology
CLO: The Wiki page will have the usual Comments section to we should USE it...
CLO: Charles you can take what I have already said OFF my report allocation time ;-)
Sivasubramanian M: In response to the last notice of inquiry, I submitted independant coments http://wealthyworld.blogspot.com/2011/04/united-states-department-of-commerces.html
CLO: Yes Siva but the FNOI asks specifics on further matters this is what we need to address this time round
CLO: or did you mean FNOI
CLO: current not last
Sivasubramanian M: Yes, requires inputs from those who have detailed knowledge of the IANA functions
Sivasubramanian M: ( my comments were for the last NOI, not for FNOI )]
CLO: OK thanks
Gisella Gruber-White: Thank you Cheryl - important for the transcript!
CLO: this matter is also one that after RALO 'harmonisation' has to go through ALAC as they are the unit that approves (or otherwise) ALS status
Pavan Budhrani: happy to help
CLO: Yes it has and duly endorsed etc.,
Gisella Gruber-White: Fouad - voicemail so far ...
CLO: From Dan Graham at ISOC Here's a copy of the presentation I gave during last week's social media webinar:https://fileshare.tools.isoc.org/groups/comms/public/Chapter%20SM%20Webinar%20Master.pdf
CLO: it was well worthwhile but he and his team would/could I believe make a presentation to our region at a future time
CLO: a Regional Focussed Webinar
CLO: Yup we MUST go back to the engagement we USED to have from the West of our Region
CLO: the answer to that set of questions is YES ;-) Inreach should be first though
Sivasubramanian M: @ Olivier ISO
CLO: YES please APAC discuss is an OPEN list more the merrier
Sivasubramanian M: @ Olivier Isoc chapter members are also members of ISOC Global, it is the same with ALS's, but can we bring in a process by which ALL members of a local ALS are subscribed to the at-Large list for more direct involvement?
CLO: yES Yes Yes
Sivasubramanian M: at large list and the regional list
CLO: people can just Self subscribe
CLO: to ALL the open list(s)
Sivasubramanian M: Yes, but that does not work, unless there is a process in place, a process by which mebers who join an ALS first apply to join At large as a member and then choose to join an ALS
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/at-large
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: To subscribe to the At-Large list
Sivasubramanian M: Yes Olivier, but I am taking about a change in process, along the lines of the isoc membership process,
Sivasubramanian M: At Large does not have a global list of ALL the members of all the At large Structures
Sivasubramanian M: We could intoduce a simple process, by which any one interested in joining an ALS / AT large wordwide is asked to fill up a simple form, and then chose to join an ALS
Sivasubramanian M: that way at Large has a gloabl list of individual members + ALSs
CLO: well in the case of our Aus ALS they would need to pay up the fees
Sivasubramanian M: I know that there is an at Large list, but it is not as inclusive as the entire membership base
CLO: REAL risk we got away with a lot of luck on this from a gTLD perspective ( so far)
CLO: this raises al few RAA issues as you might imagine
CLO: and matters that COmpliance is most concerned about....
CLO: and happy to work with us on in outreach as well as information sharing and building a better model for future
CLO: OUR ALSes are well positioned to get this issue discussed and the issues raised
CLO: out there amd worked through
CLO: also show cases our ALses locally
CLO: I got disconnected can you type what Will says
Sivasubramanian M: my call dropped
CLO: maybe we all dropped
CLO: if were niot being called back please type the issue
Will Tibben: A request from PICISOC member - Was anything raised in Singapore about the small island developing states proposal? Apart from the comments what were made initially by the working group, things seem to have gone a little quiet?
Will Tibben: I will follow up with better information as to which working group
Will Tibben: We discussed in our meeting in May
CLO: OK noted
CLO: Guess that os for the next call then and maybe list discussion
CLO: OK Got to go BYE
Sivasubramanian M: Is the meeting over?