Zoom chat: 2020-02-05 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference
12:19:58 From Sarah Kiden : Hi everyone, Bonjour!
12:24:31 From Caleb Ogundele : Hello Everyone
12:25:37 From Caleb Ogundele : Hello Operator, you can disconnect my call now as I'm online
12:25:52 From Caleb Ogundele : If it times out I will need the call
12:26:50 From silvia.vivanco : Hello all
12:26:52 From silvia.vivanco : Welcome
12:27:15 From yaovi.atohoun : Hello everyone
12:27:55 From Omar : Hello everybody
12:29:01 From Ihab I. Osman : Hi everyone..
12:29:11 From silvia.vivanco : Welcome Ihab!
12:29:22 From Emmanuel MFITUMUKIZA : Hi everyone
12:29:44 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All.
12:29:49 From Roger Baah : Hello All
12:29:51 From Kévin : Hello everyone
12:29:59 From Raymond Mamattah : Good evening from Ghana
12:30:04 From Michel TCHONANG : Hi everyone
12:30:19 From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Hello everyone!
12:30:20 From Dave Kissoondoyal : hello everyone I
12:30:39 From Ihab I. Osman : thank you Silvia..
12:30:50 From Isaac Maposa : Hi Everyone
12:31:08 From Dave Kissoondoyal : I am on mobile attending a relative funeral -
12:31:40 From Fatimata : Hello Everyone
12:31:52 From Dave Kissoondoyal : I am here
12:32:20 From Dave Kissoondoyal : je suis dans une veillée mortuaire
12:32:35 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Dave Kissoondoyal is here
12:32:38 From Caleb Ogundele : I see we have Mr. Osman our board member online.
12:32:53 From Caleb Ogundele : Welcome Mr. Osman
12:33:17 From silvia.vivanco : Warm welcome to all
12:33:55 From Sarah Kiden : Welcome to our call, everyone! Bienvenue!
12:34:12 From Ihab I. Osman : thank you Caleb..
12:34:32 From Fatimata : I am here too in the English channel
12:35:20 From silvia.vivanco : Welcome to our colleague Yaovi
12:37:49 From Sarah Kiden : @Staff, kindly note apologies from Liz Orembo. She cannot join today
12:39:32 From silvia.vivanco : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AFRALO/pages/104679150/Action+items+2020-01-08+AFRALO+Monthly+Teleconference
12:39:32 From Ines Hfaiedh : Hi everyone !
12:39:42 From silvia.vivanco : Here are the January AIs
12:40:45 From Sarah Kiden : I believe the rest were done
12:40:51 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you, Silvia
12:41:00 From silvia.vivanco : noted @Seun we will organize a call of the ROP wg
12:41:06 From silvia.vivanco : Coordinating timings with you
12:41:23 From aziz : Hello Evryone
12:41:24 From silvia.vivanco : @ Sarah. I will mark those AIs as completed
12:41:31 From aziz : Need Dial out pls
12:43:16 From Heidi Ullrich : @Aziz, I’ve alerted Michelle re your request
12:43:19 From Ahamad Milazi : Hi guys, sorry to join in late
12:43:26 From Sarah Kiden : @Staff, please dial out to Isaac Maposa on the English Channel
12:45:13 From Sarah Kiden : Isaac Maposa’s number +263772479231
12:45:34 From Sarah Kiden : Welcome to the new ICANN Board members from Africa!
12:46:36 From Michelle DeSmyter : @Sarah - noted, we will dial Isaac momentarily
12:50:01 From Sarah Kiden : 42! Wow!
12:50:28 From Jacob Odame-Baiden : Hello all
12:53:55 From Addai Okyere-Darko : Thank you Sara and its great being in this meeting
12:54:02 From Barrack Otieno : Great hearing from Mandla and Ihab
12:55:55 From Dave Kissoondoyal : we are proud
12:56:24 From Addai Okyere-Darko : Congrats Mandla and Ihab
12:56:47 From Jacob Odame-Baiden : Great to have this solid representation of Africa on the ICANN board
12:58:06 From Jacob Odame-Baiden : Thanks for the advice also on how we can make the African constituents presence felt within ICANN
12:58:09 From Ihab I. Osman : thank you Addai..
12:58:58 From Ines Hfaiedh : Congratulations to both of you !
12:59:08 From aziz to Michelle DeSmyter (Privately) : Please tel him to try again
12:59:11 From silvia.vivanco : AI; Chair to formally invite the Board members to AFRALO - AFRICANN Board meeting in Cancun
12:59:17 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks for joining.
12:59:32 From Ihab I. Osman : thank you Aziz and Tijani for the kind words..
13:00:09 From Ihab I. Osman : thank you Ines..
13:00:35 From Ihab I. Osman : thank you Jacob..
13:01:24 From Ihab I. Osman : thank you Barrack..
13:01:48 From Barrack Otieno : We are honored
13:03:35 From Seun Ojedeji : Happy to have you on our call @Ihab and Mandla while we look forward to engaging with you
13:03:38 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks TIjani for the update
13:04:09 From Fatimata : Well done Tijani! Thanks
13:04:16 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Aziz and Tijani
13:04:47 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks Abdulkarim
13:04:56 From Ihab I. Osman : thank you Seun..
13:06:42 From silvia.vivanco : Please feel free to share your ALS updates via the AFRALO mailing list
13:06:58 From Sarah Kiden : And the AFRALO Newsletter :-)
13:09:17 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : thanks Silvia well noted .
13:09:22 From silvia.vivanco : And of course submit your activities to the Newsletter team for the next issue
13:11:06 From Yazid AKANHO : Thanks for the reminder @Sarah
13:11:10 From Peters Omoragbon : Pastor Peters Omoragbon online
13:11:19 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : thanks Sarah
13:11:25 From silvia.vivanco : thanks Sarah and the Newsletter team
13:11:41 From FANNY SALYOU : Thanks Sarah
13:13:10 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you all for the updates
13:14:30 From silvia.vivanco : The meeting will be held on Wednesday 11 March
13:14:43 From silvia.vivanco : At 15:15- 16:45 local time
13:14:47 From silvia.vivanco : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99630220/At-Large+Meetings+-+Wednesday+11+March+2020
13:15:03 From Dave Kissoondoyal : if it is not too late, I would like to join the drafting team
13:15:09 From Barrack Otieno : I suggest as always we have a list with those that are willing to draft the statemennt
13:15:30 From Barrack Otieno : As always we can collaboratively draft it within the group
13:15:45 From Barrack Otieno : Great
13:15:45 From Sarah Kiden : @Dave, noted.
13:16:23 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks @Sara
13:16:41 From Barrack Otieno : We can embark on the task tomorrow in view of time. Noted Chair, Sarah can coordinate us
13:19:51 From silvia.vivanco : We have received a good number of requests to join the ROP WG, thanks all
13:20:09 From silvia.vivanco : Staff will send a doodle to you to set up the first call
13:21:52 From silvia.vivanco : The call to be held the week of FEB 10TH
13:22:51 From Edem (ISOC Senegal) : You're welcome Barack!
13:22:59 From silvia.vivanco : welcome to the new ALS ACSIS Cote D Ivore
13:23:03 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : toutes mes félicitations Fanny pour L'ACSIS CI
13:23:20 From Sarah Kiden : Welcome to the new ALS!
13:23:33 From FANNY SALYOU : Thanks all.
13:23:34 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Congratulations and welcome to ACSIS Côte d’Ivoire
13:23:36 From Michel TCHONANG : Silvia j'avais confirmé mon intérêt à continuer dans le groupe de travail ROP, je crois qu'on a omis dans la liste
13:23:46 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : first AFRALO ALS IN 2020
13:24:06 From silvia.vivanco : Michel, Merci I will note your name
13:24:09 From Daly Hamady DIALLO : Congratulations
13:24:27 From Yazid AKANHO : Bravo Saliou
13:24:29 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you for this feedback, Aziz!
13:24:32 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Silvia
13:24:33 From Daly Hamady DIALLO : ACSIS
13:24:51 From Raymond Mamattah : Congratulations to ACSIS team
13:24:52 From Peters Omoragbon : Why did he not join ANY ALS in his country
13:25:30 From Michel TCHONANG : Je soutiens cette candidature à la suite de AZIZ car je le connais bien
13:25:40 From FANNY SALYOU : Merci à tous pour votre confiance à ACSIS COTE D’IVOIRE.Nous sommes très heureux à vous rejoindre dans la communauté.
13:26:12 From Michel TCHONANG : Bienvenue une fois de plus Fanny
13:26:27 From silvia.vivanco : Bienvenue Fanny please contact staff if you have any questions
13:26:48 From Daly Hamady DIALLO : Association pour la Promotion de la citoyenneté numérique (E-CIT) Want to aply
13:26:59 From Heidi Ullrich : To all those going to Cancun for ICANN67, see you in 31 days. Much work ahead!
13:27:03 From yaovi.atohoun : Thanks and bye
13:27:05 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks and bye to all
13:27:05 From Roger Baah : Thanks everyone!
13:27:06 From Kévin : Merci à tous
13:27:12 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : bye
13:27:13 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you everyone and bye!
13:27:15 From Barrack Otieno : Thank you Chair and Colleagues, bye
13:27:19 From Fatimata : Thank you all and Bye
13:27:20 From Peters Omoragbon : That is one criteria that any individual membership must first of all be answered
13:27:23 From Minata ZONG-NABA : congrat on brother FANNY
13:27:24 From Addai Okyere-Darko : thanks for having us
13:27:32 From Omar : THANK YOU
13:27:32 From Benjamin : bye
13:27:35 From Caleb Ogundele : Bye everyone and seun
13:27:40 From FANNY SALYOU : Thank you bye bye;