At-Large Technology Taskforce Working Group
The At-Large Technology Taskforce (TTF) evaluates and reviews different technologies and tools that can help the ICANN At-Large Community and other related groups communicate, collaborate and accomplish their goals and objectives for ICANN activities. These tools range from chat tools, web conferencing tools, captioning to anything that will help Individual Internet users become active in the At-Large Community. Technology provides the tools that enable people to connect, collaborate, and work towards making the world more accessible, enabling the benefits of the Internet to be available to all.
Get Involved
We welcome anyone who is interested in collaborating and seeing how we can better meet the needs of ICANN At-Large to participate, suggest ideas, and become an active member. We have recently opened up the group to other ICANN constituencies and look forward to working with all ICANN communities to solving common problems. All who are interested to join are welcome. We look forward to your participation and involvement.
Mailing list:
To subscribe to the mailing list (or read the archives / manage your subscription) please visit
Staff Support Lead: Claudia Ruiz
Please email ICANN At-Large Staff at or the Chair and co-chairs of the TTF: Judith Hellerstein, Satish Babu, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, or Abdul Karim Oloyede.
Next Meeting: 22 February 2021
Working Groups:
Website, Chaired by Dustin Loup dustin.phillips
Conferencing Solutions: Chaired by Satish Babu satish.babu
Accessibility: Chaired by Gunela Astbrink gunela.astbrink and Greg Shatan gregory.shatan
Knowledge Management: Chaired by Gunela Astbrink gunela.astbrink and Dev Anand Teelucksingh Dev Anand Teelucksingh and Judith Hellerstein Judith Hellerstein
Technical Issues: Dina Solveig Jalkanen thomascovenant
Outreach and Engagement: Sarah Kiden Sarah K and Judith Hellerstein Judith Hellerstein
To join any of these groups email
For a more comprehensive overview of all past projects see the following link At-Large Technology Taskforce Work and Projects
Monthly Reports
October 2018
The TTF presented at NPOC's Constituency Day. Here is the presentation.
March 2018
The TTF had a session at ICANN61 see the presentation March Presentation
November 2017
The TTF had a session at ICANN 60 see the following presentation Icann 60 Presentation
August 2017
The 2017-08-07 At-Large Technology Task Force Call discussed the TTF Policy tracking proposal and the ideas behind a Policy Management Process System, an ATLAS II recommendation.
Re: LACRALO mailing list translation tool, work ongoing to see the new tool deployed before ICAN60. Draft slides for a webinar and possible survey being worked on.
June 2017
The TTF had a session at ICANN59, see recording at and TTF; Presentation:
The members of At-Large Technology Taskforce WG, organized by regional affiliation, are:
Action Items
The TTF was established as part of the recommendations coming from the ALAC/At-Large Improvements Project Final Report in June 2012. These recommendations include:
- Under Recommendation 3 "ALS-RALO-ALAC structure to remain"
- 3.1 - Introduce to the ALSes selected information, dissemination, communication and collaboration tools and provide training.
- Under Recommendation 7 "Choice of communication and collaborative tools"
7.1 Review of communication and collaboration needs considered unmet by ALSes and RALOs globally.
- 7.1(a) - Introduce to the ALSes selected information, dissemination, communication and collaboration tools(such as Posterous, Twitter Twibes, mobile-device compatibility) and provide training.
- 7.2 - Review of technologies used by At‐Large and across ICANN that could fill all or some of the 7.1 needs of the ALSes and RALOs
- 7.2(a) - Establish a Technology Task Force (TTF) of community members that will periodically review the appropriateness of available technology, train RALOs/ALSes in new technologies, and possibly staff a help desk.
7.3 - Review of available technologies not already used by At‐Large or elsewhere in ICANN that could fill the 7.1 needs of the ALSes and RALOs.
- 7.4 - Create and conduct implementation plan for training ICANN's IT Support in the 7.3 technologies (and, as needed, in keeping IT Support current in 7.2 technologies).
- 7.5 - Based on At‐Large's choice of communication and collaboration tools to best fill its needs, make needed recommendations for use, or not, of these tools across ICANN.
- 7.6 - Create and conduct implementation plan for the periodic identification of technologies, either newly introduced to the market or updated, that can better fill the 7.1 needs of the ALSes and RALOs than those technologies currently being used.