Proposed ATLAS II Newsletter
Proposed ATLAS II Newsletter
As discussed in previous calls, the newsletter would be a HTML letter done in Mailchimp . I've did a skeleton layout showing the concept in the previous Communications call before Singapore and at the Singapore meeting.
- See HTML version of newsletter : At-Large Summit II Newsletter template (copy 01).html or view online at http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=c0a51718c09c9fcc6dea2add3&id=a4087d038f&e=
- PDF printout At-Large-Summit-II-Newsletter-template-v1.pdf (note this is a printout of the HTML newsletter)
As you can see the newsletter is broken up in three sections for three articles
- main article - these are the interviews and translations done by the interview and translations subgroups for example.
- 2nd article - this could be used for timely events, eg upcoming capacity building event
- 3rd article - used to link to updated content on the website.