ATLAS II Participants

ATLAS II Participants

ALS Participants Attending with ICANN Travel Support

The following participants are receiving travel support from ICANN to attend ATLAS II.

This list will be kept up-to-date by Staff and applicable ATLAS II Working Groups for transparency and accountability.


Column explanation and use for the PARTICIPANTS table:

  • Name: Name of the participant - "name givenname"  -  sorted by the "name" in descending alphabetical order. Cell format: aligned to the left.
  • Affiliation: Name of the ALS that the person is representing. All Nomcom appointee should be identified as such: "ALAC Nomcom Appointee". Cell format: aligned to the left.
  • Region: Indicates the Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) of the the participant. Use capital letter "X" to indicate the region. Refer to the legend for nomenclature definition. Cell format: aligned to the center.
  • Thematic Sessions: Indicates the thematic session that the participant is attending. Use capital letter "X" to indicate the session. This column should be kept up-to-date by Staff and the ATLAS II Events Sub-Working Group.Refer to the legend for nomenclatured definition. Cell format: aligned to the center
  • Mentor: Indicates which mentor has been assigned to the participant. Use the two letter name abbreviations defined in the legend. This column should be kept up-to-date by Staff and the ATLAS II Mentoring Program Working Group. Cell format: aligned to the center. NOTE: each participant should be either a Mentor or have a mentor assigned
  • Attended (Y/N): Indicates if the participant attended the summit. Use capital letter "Y" for yes and "N" for no. Cell format: aligned to the center.  NOTE: This column should be filled-out after the event

Column explanation and use for the TOTALS table:

  • Participants: Total number of participants. Cell format: aligned to the center
  • Region: Total number of participants per Regional At-Large Organization (RALO). Refer to the legend for nomenclature definition. Cell format: aligned to the center.
  • Thematic Sessions: Total number of participants per thematic session. Refer to the legend for nomenclatured definition. Cell format: aligned to the center
  • Mentor: Total number of mentors in the "Y" column and total number of  mentees in the "N" column. Cell format: aligned to the center.
  • Attendance: Total number of participants that attended the summit. Cell format: aligned to the center.  NOTE: This column should be filled-out after the event
  • %: Percentage of the number of people that participated in the summit. Calculated as follows: Attendance/Participants * X00. NOTE: This column should be filled-out after the event

General tables usage:

  • Both tables should be updated at the same time
  • Revision date should be reflected every time the table is updated except if more than one update occurs the same day
  • The words "work in progress" should be changed to the word "FINAL" after the final table update. This update should be done shortly after the event.


First NameSurnameRALOALSMentorAttendance
TijaniBen JemaaAFRALOMediterranean Federation of Internet AssociationsN/A 
NirmolAgarwalAPRALOISVKHolly Raiche 
Alioune BadaraDiopAFRALOBokk Jang Bokk JefTijani Ben Jemaa 
BeranDondeh GillenAFRALONomCom Selected ALAC Member from the African RegionN/A 
MohamedEl BashirAFRALOISOC SudanN/A 
AmrHamdiAFRALOSchoolNet AfricaTijani Ben Jemaa 
AbdelazizHilaliAFRALOISOC MoroccoN/A 
PhilipJohnsonAFRALOISOC LiberiaMohamed El Bashir 
DidierKasoleAFRALOISOC Democratic Republic of the CongoAbdelaziz Hilali 
AlanLevinAFRALOISOC South AfricaBeran Dondeh Gillen 
SaidMchangamaAFRALOFederation Comorienne des Consommateurs Hadja Ouatarra  
ZahraMohamedAFRALOISOC SomaliaHadja Ouatarra  
MercyMoyoMenteeITOCATijani Ben Jemaa 
OlivierNana NzapaAFRALOANAISHadja Ouatarra  
PetersOmoragbonAFRALONurses Across BordersMohamed El Bashir 
OtunteOtuenehAFRALOISOC NigeriaMohamed El Bashir 
WouassomBlaiseAFRALOCAPDAAbdelaziz Hilali 
AnupamAgrawalAPRALOISOC Kolkata Holly Raiche 
AliAlmeshalAPRALOISOC BahrainN/A 
DennisCaiAPRALOHong Kong Internet ForumRafid Fatani 
NarelleClarkAPRALOAustralian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN)Rafid Fatani 
LiannaGalstyanAPRALOISOC Armenia N/A 
YasharHajiyevAPRALOInformation Policy Analytical Center (IPAC)Maureen Hilyard 
SuhaidiHassanAPRALOISOC MalaysiaMaureen Hilyard 
MaureenHilyardAPRALOISOC Pacific IslandsN/A 
JahangirHossainAPRALOISOC Dhaka Maureen Hilyard 
PuaHunterAPRALOCook Islands Internet Action GroupSiranush Vardanyan 
ArisIgnacioAPRALOISOC PhilippinesSiranush Vardanyan 
NarineKhachatryanAPRALOMedia Education Center, Armenia
YasuichiKitamuraAPRALOISOC JapanSiranush Vardanyan 
SunilLalAPRALOSouth Pacific Computer SocietyCheryl Langdon Orr 
MahmoudLattoufAPRALOArab Knowledge Management SocietyCheryl Langdon Orr 
SophieLiangAPRALONational Information Infrastructure Enterprise Promotion Association (NIIEPA)Hong Xue 
SunnyLiuAPRALONetMission.ASIAHong Xue 
H.R.MohanAPRALOComputer Society of IndiaNarine Khachatryan 
SivasubramanianMuthusamyAPRALOISOC Chennai, IndiaNarine Khachatryan 
NanxiJiAPRALOChinese Domain Name Users AllianceAmir Qayyum 
Y.J.ParkAPRALOOpen Standards and Internet Association (OSIA)Narine Khachatryan 
AmirQayyumAPRALOISOC IslamabadN/A 
BikramShresthaAPRALOISOC NepalNarine Khachatryan 
EllenStricklandAPRALOInternet NZ IncorporatedLiana Galstyan 
KaraitianaTaiuruAPRALOThe New Zealand Māori Internet SocietyAmir Qayyum 
SiranushVardanyanAPRALOArmenian Association for the Disabled 'Pyunic'N/A 
RogerBaigEURALOISOC CataloniaSandra Hoferichter 
VittorioBertolaEURALOISOC ItalyOlivier Crépin Leblond 
ChristophBruchEURALOThe Humanist UnionSandra Hoferichter 
MatthieuCamusEURALOISOC FranceSandra Hoferichter 
WilliamDrakeEURALOCommittee for a Democratic United NationsOlivier Crépin Leblond 
MoniqueEpsteinEURALOE-SeniorsSandra Hoferichter 
BastiaanGoslingsEURALOISOC NetherlandsJean-Jacques Subrenat  
SandraHoferichterEURALOMedienstadt LeipzigN/A 
WernerHülsmannEURALODeutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz (DVD) e.V.Jean-Jacques Subrenat  
MarjanKrisperEURALOSlovenian Consumers Association Jean-Jacques Subrenat  
BogdanManoleaEURALOApTIWolf Ludwig 
YuliyaMorenetsEURALOTogether Against CybercrimeSandra Hoferichter 
AnnetteMuehlbergEURALONetzwerk Neue MedienOlivier Crépin Leblond 
OliverPassekEURALODigitalCourageWolf Ludwig 
MiguelPerez SubiasEURALOAsociacion de Usuarios de InternetWolf Ludwig 
PlamenaPopovaEURALOUniversity of Library Studies and Information TechnologiesN/A 
TatianaPopovaEURALOThe Ukrainian Internet Association Wolf Ludwig 
OksanaPrykhodkoEURALOEuropean Media PlatformOlivier Crépin Leblond 
CarolinSilbernaglEURALOdotHIVJean-Jacques Subrenat  
JyrySuvilehtoEURALOISOC FinlandPlamena Popova 
EricTomsonEURALOISOC WalloniaWolf Ludwig 
RudiVansnickEURALOISOC BelgiumOlivier Crépin Leblond 
DiegoAcosta BastidasLACRALOThe Ecuadorian Association for Free SoftwareHumerto Carrasco 
AlyneAndradeLACRALOIBDIFatima Cambronero 
RaulBauerLACRALOUSUARIAJuan Manuel Rojas  
NiranBeharryLACRALOISOC Trinidad and TobagoLeon Sanchez 
SergioBronsteinLACRALOInternauta Venezuela Freddy Linares Torres 
AdrianCarballoLACRALOFundacion IncluirmeVanda Scartezini 
HumbertoCarrascoLACRALOAsociacion de Derecho e Informatica de ChileN/A 
CristianCasasLACRALOCETIC AJBSergio Salinas Porto 
Javier EduardChadia RojasLACRALOInternauta ChileVanda Scartezini 
NataliaEncisoLACRALOAsociacion Paraguaya de Derecho Informatico y Tecnologico Fatima Cambronero 
MichaelFordeLACRALOISOC Barbados Leon Sanchez 
JasonFrancisLACRALOBANGO-Barbados Association of Non Governmental OrganisationsDev Anand Teelucksingh 
Carlos RaulGutierrezLACRALOISOC Costa RicaAlejandro Pisanty 
SylviaHerlein LeitteLACRALOInternauta BrasilFatima Cambronero 
LanceHindsLACRALODevNetLeon Sanchez 
JasonHyndsLACRALOBarbados Information & Communications Technology Professionals Association (BIPA)Dev Anand Teelucksingh 
GilbertoLaraLACRALOAsociacion Conexion al Desarrollo El SalvadorAlejandro Pisanty 
JohnnyLaureanoLACRALOAUI PeruSergio Salinas Porto 
FreddyLinares TorresLACRALOISOC PeruN/A 
AntonioMedina GomezLACRALOACUI, Asociacion Colombiana de usarios de InternetAlberto Soto  
AidaNobliaLACRALOAsociacion de Escribanos del UruguayJuan Manuel Rojas  
JoseOlvidio SalgueiroLACRALOAsociacion Venezolana de Derecho Infomatico y Nuevas TecnologiasAlberto Soto  
AlejandroPisantyLACRALOISOC MexicoN/A 
Kerri-AnneRichardsLACRALOICT4D JamaicaCarlos Aguirre 
Juan ManuelRojasLACRALOAGEIA DENSI ColombiaN/A 
SergioSalinas PortoLACRALOAsociacion Unica de Chatters Usuarios de Internet y E-CommerceN/A 
MaricarmenSequeraLACRALOTEDICFatima Cambronero 
TatianaToculescuLACRALOISOC ArgentinaHumerto Carrasco 
GunelaAstbrinkMentee Cheryl Langdon Orr 
RafidFataniAPRALONomCom Selected ALAC Member from the Asia-Pacific RegionN/A 
HollyRaicheAPRALOISOC AustraliaN/A 
SethReissNARALOThe Intellectual Property & Technology Section of the Hawaii State Bar AssociationN/A 
LeonSanchezLACRALOISOC MexicoN/A 
AllanSkuceNARALOPacific Community Networks Association Seth Reiss 
ChesterSoongAPRALOISOC Hong KongLiana Galstyan 
Dev AnandTeelucksinghLACRALOTrinidad and Tobago Computer SocietyN/A 
SarahAlkierNARALOEmerging Futures NetworkAlan Greenberg 
JonathanAskinNARALOISOC New YorkAlan Greenberg 
KerryBrownNARALOISOC CanadaAlan Greenberg 
GarthBruenNARALOKnujonEduardo Diaz 
RobertCastonguayNARALOISOC QuebecEduardo Diaz 
MoniqueChartrandNARALOCommunautiqueEduardo Diaz 
EduardoDiazNARALOISOC Puerto RicoN/A 
RandyGlassNARALOAmerica@LargeEvan Leibovitch 
GarthGrahamNARALOTelecommunities CanadaEvan Leibovitch 
ThomasLowenhauptNARALOConnecting.nyc Inc.Seth Reiss 
OgnianMitevNARALOISOC Colorado Evan Leibovitch 
YubelkysMontalvoNARALOHETSEduardo Diaz 
AnthonyNiiganiiMenteeManitoba E-AssociationEduardo Diaz 
ChristopherParsonsNARALOPrivateraEvan Leibovitch 
DanaPerryNARALONova Scotia Community Access ProgramEvan Leibovitch 
NeilSchwartzmanNARALOCoalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (CAUCE North America)Alan Greenberg 
ScottSullivanNARALOGreater Toronto Area Linux Users GroupGlen McKnight 
DarleneThompsonNARALON-CAPAlan Greenberg 
FouadBajwaAPRALOFoundation for Building Sustainable Communities (FBSC)Holly Raiche 
JudithHellersteinNARALOCapital Area GlobetrottersGlen McKnight 
KonstantinKalaitzidisNARALOISOC San Francisco / Bay AreaGlen McKnight 
EvanLeibovitchNARALOCanadian Association for Open Sorce (CLUE)N/A 
GlennMcKnightNARALOFoundation for Building Sustainable Communities (FBSC)N/A 
CarltonSamuelsLACRALOThe University of West IndiesCarlos Aguirre 
FatimaCambroneroLACRALOAGEIA DENSI ArgentinaN/A 
MurrayMcKercherNARALOIndependent Seth Reiss 
AdamPeakeEURALOEURALO Individuals Association Olivier Crépin Leblond 
Jean-JacquesSubrenatEURALONomCom Selected ALAC Member from the European RegionN/A 




RALOThematic Group


(Mentor = MR/

Mentee = ME)

Attended (Y/N)
 Eduardo Díaz      XX    MR 



RegionThematic SessionsMentor


X    XX    X   



Region (for both tables)

AF: African Regional At-Large Organization (AFRALO)

AP: Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO)

EU: European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO)

LA: Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional  At-Large Organization (LACRALO)

NA: North-American Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO)

Thematic Sessions (for both tables)

1: The Future of Multistakeholderism

2: The Globalization of ICANN

3: Global Internet: The User Perspective

4: ICANN Transparency and Accountability

5: At-Large Community Engagement in ICANN 

Mentor (for TOTALS table only)

Y: Total number of mentors

N: Total number of mentees.


Mentor (this list should be kept up-to-date by the ATLAS II Mentoring Program Working Group)

M: signifies that this person is a mentor

AG: Alan Greenberg (Canada)

BD: Beran Dondeh Gillen (Gambia)

DA: Dev Anand Teelucksingh (Trinidad and Tobago)

ED: Eduardo Diaz (Puerto Rico)

EL: Evan Leibovitch (Canada)

FC: Fatima Cambronero (Argentina)

HO: Hadja Ouattara (Burkina Faso)

HR: Holly Raiche (Australia)

JJ: Jean-Jacques Subrenat (France)

LS: Leon Sanchez (Mexico)

MH: Maureen Hilyard (Cook Islands)

OC: Olivier Crepin Leblond (France)

RF: Rafid Fatani (Saudi Arabia)

SH: Sandra Hoferichter (Germany)

TB: Tijani Ben Jemaa (Tunisia)