AC Chat: 2018-06-11 NARALO Teleconference
Andrea Glandon:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Call held on Monday, 11 June 2018 at 19:00 UTC.
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:hi
Andrea Glandon:Hello!
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:In London right now after flying to Dublin this morning I am doing three days of interviews for the new CEO for ISOC
Adrian Schmidt:Hello!
Adrian Schmidt:Good luck Glenn!
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Hi Adrian and Gordon
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Thanks
Gordon Chillcott:Hi, Glenn
Adrian Schmidt:Not in Lacombe today we woke up to 9 degrees...
Adrian Schmidt:yup wacky during the weekend
Adrian Schmidt:lots of rain
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Hi Marita
judith hellerstein:hi all calling in from he m enabling conference
Marita Moll:Hello from Ottawa
Eduardo Diaz:I am here...
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Hi Ed
Eduardo Diaz:Connecting through phone.
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:no hands
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Silvia Vivanco:Congratulations to all incoming NARALO leaders
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Congrats to Marita and Leah
Marita Moll:Thank you. Will work hard.
Adrian Schmidt:Congrats to all selected!
Marita Moll:Interested about poor groups being ripped off. If there is a link to a doc. would love to see this.
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Marita i will send you the NDIA study in Cleveland Ohio
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:It was a Verizon Communication project in a large community. But the broadband was very poor.
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Here is the link
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:
Chris Mondini:i am seeking clarification as well, thanks for your efforts and patience
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Welcome Jon
Marita Moll:Thanks Glenn.
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Analysis of US Cities and connectivity
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Hi Yubelkys
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Andrea please note we had a few more folks join the call
Yubelkys Montalvo:hi Glenn
Yubelkys Montalvo:I have problems getting in, sorry for the delay
Andrea Glandon:@Glenn, yes, thank you, I am making note on the wiki.
Chris Mondini:ok
Andrea Glandon:Eve Edelson has joined the audio
Chris Mondini:RightsCon will be in Tunisia next year
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Thanks Chris
Loris Taylor:Were there any reasons given for why the Global Indigenous Fellowship(s) was not funded?
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Its important to build a relationship to a new conference
Eduardo Diaz:@Loris : budget cuts
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Yes it was one of the causalities in the budget cuts
Loris Taylor:I see, thank you.
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Action item: Submit to the fellowship review . Need link
Chris Mondini:the public comment for fellowship improvements will be out today
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Heidi do you have the link
Chris Mondini:awaiting the link
wes boudville:yes, i'd also like to see the link thanks
Loris Taylor:Yes, I would like to have the link so as to weigh in from Native Public Media.
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:The NOMCOM Review is available
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:@Loris i will ask for the link for us to comment
Loris Taylor:Thank you Glenn
Silvia Vivanco:ABR page:
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:ITs 4,000 per RALO, this is a large part of the O and E strategy
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Readouts etc
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:The Discretionary Funds , ie. Marita organizing an Pre ICANN event in September in Ottawa
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:One of the big cuts was all the IGF Funded events
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:4000
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, all requests for the IGF in all SO/ACs/SG/RALOs were not funded.
Marita Moll:Is this meant to end in an official position from NARALO or just information session
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Thanks
Heidi Ullrich:@Jonathan, there is time on the At-Large agenda for the discussion on Policy coordination.
Eduardo Diaz:@HEidi: Do you know when?
Adrian Schmidt:Yes and I applied again :)
Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo - Tuesday - 1.Discussion on the At-Large Policy Advice Development Process (13:30-14:00)
Yubelkys Montalvo:Glenn I can help
Adrian Schmidt:If I can be of help Glenn let me know :)
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:thanks Yubelks
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:i will send you both the draft O and E document. We need clarity on the CROP and Discretionary funds so we can finish it
Yubelkys Montalvo:ok
Heidi Ullrich:EPAG - in GErmany
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:Note that a joint NCUC and ATLARGE session will be on Tuesday morning
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:9 to 12
judith hellerstein:tucows
Jonathan Zuck:yep
Heidi Ullrich:CPWG -
Heidi Ullrich:It is a consolidated Policy WG consisting of members from several policy-related WGs.
Yubelkys Montalvo:thank you Eduardo, nice meeting
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:thanks all.
Marita Moll:Thank you. Good meeting
Adrian Schmidt:Just thank you have a great rest of the week!
Loris Taylor:Thank you Eduardo
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:dont forget the newsletter items
Yubelkys Montalvo:bye to all
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:bye all
judith hellerstein:see u in panama
Silvia Vivanco:Remote participation is available for all meetings
John More 2:Thanks Eduardo
Glenn McKNight, FBSC:thanks
Yubelkys Montalvo:yes
Silvia Vivanco:schedule and AC room is posted on the wiki
Gordon Chillcott:Thanks and bye for now.
Adrian Schmidt:have fun in Panama! Hopefully next one I can join