10 March 2015 Meeting
Please find the MP3 recording for the Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group call held on Tuesday 10 March 2015 at 20:00 UTC at: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-dmpm-10mar15-en.mp3
On page:
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr – ALAC
Jonathan Zuck – IPC
Pam Little – RySG
Olivier Kouami – NPOC
Sara Bockey – RrSG
Tony Onorato – Individual
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Janvier Ngnoulaye – Individual
ICANN staff:
Steve Chan
Berry Cobb
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 10 March 2015:
Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the non-PDP Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group teleconference on 10 March 2015
Jonathan Zuck (IPC):Welcome everyone
Jonathan Zuck (IPC):Sorry Cheryl, I think your microphone just flickered
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Audio id choppy / droppoing
Terri Agnew:@Cheryl, woul dyou like us to dial back out to you for a better connection?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:OK just me then... That must be why my mike loked like itwa flkickering *sigh* Sorry team
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: audio BTW is AK for me now (go figuire!)
Tony Onorato:cheryl -- I asked about "streamlined access" and what that means in practice and I suggested that perhaps we want an example of what we mean by "sensitive data" esp. in connection with 3rd p aggregators of that data
Terri Agnew:@Cheryl, happy it cleared up
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Thanks Tony appeiatethe upodate ;
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bizzare @terry new one for the ACbooks
Berry Cobb:Bladel has mentioned that in the past.
Graeme Bunton:Homework for me
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:agree H'work
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Sorry this last wek I have been drowning NOT waiving :-(
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Terri going to moive to mobile nw *so let's do the usual cal my mobile in a minute please*
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thx
Tony Onorato:Only I had a comment on here is that we might indicate Post Implementation that "the metrics can be adjusted for future projects"
Berry Cobb:And I'd point out that Exec summary does a good job explaining what we are trying to accomplish. Hat tip to STeve
Tony Onorato:yes -- doc is a nice effort
Janvier Ngnoulaye:sorry for the delay, I'll catch up with recordings
Terri Agnew:Welocme Janiver Ngnoulaye
Janvier Ngnoulaye:Thx
Graeme Bunton:Particibers and Membicipants
Jonathan Zuck (IPC):CCWG on accountability makes me want to give up email in general
Graeme Bunton:I may be enroute to Istanbul
Tony Onorato:sounds great Berry -- thanks everyone!
Sara Bockey:Thank you everyone
Janvier Ngnoulaye:Thx all