30 October 2013
This first meeting of the non-PDP GNSO Metrics & Reporting Working Group takes place on Wednesday 30 October 2013,14.00 UTC - for local times, see http://tinyurl.com/nk8jt3u.
On Page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#oct
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ALAC
Theo Geurts – RrSG
Tony Onorato –unaffiliated
Mouhamet Diop – RrSG
Pam Little - NTAG
Jonathan Zuck – IPC
Rising John Osazuwa – At-Large
Mikey O'Connor – ISPCP
Gabriel Vergara – NCA
ICANN staff:
Lars Hoffmann
Berry Cobb
Glen de Saint Gery
Nathalie Peregrine
Proposed Agenda – MetRep WG Meeting – 30 OCTOBER 2013 @ 14:00 UTC (120 Min):
- Roll Call / Statements of Interest
- Discuss DT meeting alternating time slots
- Develop Draft Charter (Mind Map)
- Review Work plan / Confirm Next Meeting 6 Nov 2013
Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/metrep/
Please note that there will be NO audio enabled in the Adobe Connect room, so please all dial into the Adigo audio bridge.
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Wednesday 30 October 2013:
Berry Cobb: Welcome to the GNSO Metrics & Reporting Conference Call for 30 Oct 2013.
Mouhamet Diop: hi mouhamet is online
Nathalie Peregrine: Hello Mouhamet!
Mouhamet Diop: hi nathalie
Tony Onorato: Hello everyone -- hope all is well
Nathalie Peregrine: Hello Tony
Nathalie Peregrine: Please all mute your speakers
Nathalie Peregrine: as there is audio in the AC room
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: yup alreadyn
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: good thanks
Nathalie Peregrine: Rising Jon Osazuwa has joined the call
Berry Cobb: CTCCC WG: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/inactive/2012/consumer-trust
Berry Cobb: IAG Wiki Page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/aoccnsmrmtrcs/Consumer+Metrics+Home
Berry Cobb: CCT IAG
Nathalie Peregrine: Gabriel Vergara sends his apology for today's call
Pam Little: Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Berry Cobb: Sorry to disappoint :-)
Theo Geurts: have a good one
Mouhamet Diop: You too
Rising John Osazuwa: Thank you and have a good day