23 September 2014 Meeting
This meeting of the non-PDP GNSO Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group typically takes place on Tuesdays at alternating - for local times, see http://tinyurl.com/nk8jt3u.
Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/dmpm/
Please find the MP3 recording for the Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group call held on Tuesday 23 September 2014 at 20:00 UTC at:
On page:
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr – ALAC
Olivier Kouami – NPOC
Jonathan Zuck – IPC
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Marinel Rosca – Individual
Pam Little – RySG
Jeremy Beale- Independent
Andrew Merriam – RySG
Kayode Yussuf – IPC
Tony Onorato - Individual
ICANN staff:
Berry Cobb
Steve Chan
Terri Agnew
Mailing list archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-dmpm-wg/
Wiki page : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BYDABg
Proposed Agenda – DMPM WG Meeting – 23 September 2014 @ 20:00 UTC (60 Min):
1. Roll Call / Statements of Interest
2. Discuss framework for metrics requests from Contracted Parties
4. Discuss LA Meeting session
5. Discuss next steps and confirm next meeting
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 23 September 2014:
Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the non-PDP Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group teleconference on 23 September 2014
Marinel Rosca:Hello
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:no all good that makes sense
Terri Agnew:Kayode Yussuf has joined
Kayode Yussuf:Hi everyone
Kayode Yussuf:I'm sorry I'm late
Terri Agnew:Tony Onorato has joined
Berry Cobb:virtually all data under contract is publicly available.
Tony Onorato:sorry to be late -- was on a client call
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:Either way it is an underlying principle
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:either in title or in substance
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:Interesting notion that if only limited providers respond then it could endanger any efforts at confidentiality as the data set would be limited
Pam Little:It will also depend on what data is being requested.
Pam Little:Berry, not all data under contract is public.
Terri Agnew:@Jeremy we are unable to hear you, please check your mic
Pam Little:There are certain types of data provided to ICANN Compliance upon request on a case by case basis.
Jeremy Beale:Not working again!
Pam Little:This type of data will not be public.
Jeremy Beale:WOuldn't a principle be that only necessary data for the issue can be requested
Jeremy Beale:If there is an important issue (consensus) then requests for data should only be considered unreasonable by registries/registrars if out of bounds of proper consideration of the issue...
Terri Agnew:Olevie has disconnected from audio and we are unable to reach him back at this time, but will keep trying
Jeremy Beale:Correct - rationale for the principle
Tony Onorato:Yes -- the flow makes sense to me as a framework -- consistent, predictable application such as this, focusing on the most objective quantifiable ways to address the particular issuess seems very advisable and this seems to do that
Pam Little:Yes
Steve Chan:The principles document will be shared after this meeting
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:We can encourage some more established registries to attend, they have more bandwith to attend multiple meetings. I, for one, will need to be in NTAG meeting as a new registry and applicant
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:sadly I am not surprised with that news Pam
Jeremy Beale:WOuld get participation is you said we were proposing making data provision obligatory!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:quite possibly @Jeremy but it will also be rather antagonistic and in productive
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:should read unproductive
Jeremy Beale:Yes, I was joking!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:that said we will get better interaction. later I am sure
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:we can pitch for ICANN52 of course...
Tony Onorato:I would like to help Jonathan -- time constraints are rough right now, but I would be happy to pitch in as best as possible
Graeme Bunton:I'm unlikely to make a call on the 30th
Tony Onorato:No meeting necessary IMHO
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Aldo OK with that approach :-) :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:ALSO
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thanks all catch up in LA then...
Pam Little:will try our best.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye.... safe travels to those travelling :-)
Tony Onorato:thanks!
Marinel Rosca:thank you
Olévié:hi !
Olévié:I've joined in AC