15 April 2014 Meeting
This meeting of the non-PDP GNSO Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group typically takes place on Tuesdays @20.00 UTC - for local times, see http://tinyurl.com/nk8jt3u.
Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/dmpm/
the MP3 recording for the Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group call held on Tuesday 15 April 2014 at 20:00 UTC at:
On page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#apr
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Marinel Rosca - Individual
Jonathan Zuck - IPC
Cheryl Langdon-Orr – ALAC
Nenad Orlic – ISPC
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Jeremy Beale - SOI
Magaly Pazello – NCUC
Rudi Vansnick – NPOC
Gabriel Vergara – NCUC
Klaus Stoll – NPOC
Pam Little – RySG
Kayode Yussuf – IPC
Andrew Merriam – RySG
Olevie Kouame – NPOC
Tony Onorato – Individual
Janiver Ngnoulaye - Individual
ICANN staff:
Mary Wong
Amy Bivins
Glen De Saint Gery
Berry Cobb
Lars Hoffmann
Terri Agnew
Proposed Agenda – DMPM WG Meeting – 15 April 2014 @ 20:00 UTC (60 Min):
1. Roll Call / Statements of Interest
2. Confirm new WG Chair
3. Review of DMPM Charter tasks and WG approach
4. Review of Work Plan
5. Determine next steps and meeting
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 15 April 2014:
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the Data and Metrics for Policy Making Working Group on the 15th of April 2014
Marinel Rosca:Hello
Gabriel Vergara:Hi
Terri Agnew:Hello everyone
Gabriel Vergara:I will restart adobe
Gabriel Vergara:brb
Gabriel Vergara:Im back
Gabriel Vergara:I will be half of the meeting online, Due I have some other work issues pending and here in finland is 22:48
Rudi Vansnick:hi everyone
Kayode Yussuf:Hello Everyone
Terri Agnew:Magaly Pazello has joined
Klaus Stoll:Thanks I will forward the changes.
Terri Agnew:Jeremy Beale has joined
Terri Agnew:Nenad Orlic has joined
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:all good for me with this doc at this stage
Marinel Rosca:all good on this doc
Gabriel Vergara:OK
Magaly Pazello:Hello everyone! Glad to join the WG.
Terri Agnew:Mouhamet Diop has joined
Mouhamet Diop:Hello Everyone, glad to finally join the WG
Graeme Bunton:I look forward to learning more about that
Rudi Vansnick:perhaps by taking the expertise of oneanother in specific domains
Rudi Vansnick:agree with Berry
Rudi Vansnick:+1 Cheryl
Andrew Merriam, NTAG Sec.:Good idea, Cheryl
Rudi Vansnick:produce maybe some template docs
Berry Cobb:http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/inactive
Andrew Merriam, NTAG Sec.:It may help expand this framework of inform further edits as well. Personally, I'm having a bit of an issue envisoning what we may be missing here in this framework..
Berry Cobb:@Andrew, this is only a 1st draft. Welcome suggestions....and of course we will revise as necessary as we move through the first few.
Terri Agnew:Olevie Kouame has joined
Berry Cobb:http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/inactive/2011/fast-flux
Andrew Merriam, NTAG Sec.:Yes; I'm agreeing with Cheryl's idea to run through a case analysis as a whole group before breaking up into further groups
Olevie:Hi, Bonjour !
Olevie:Hi Terri
Terri Agnew:Hello Olevie
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:how about we pick the 1st 2 candidates for group analyses then .. fast flux + ??
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:happy with FF 1st but would like a second as well... PEDNR??
Rudi Vansnick:+1
Nenad Orlić:Please do send them
Berry Cobb:I will take that action and send you a 1st draft JZ.
Rudi Vansnick:do we have to look in a non-PDP too ? 2nd case ?
Rudi Vansnick:perhaps this one could be a good 2nd case
Rudi Vansnick:http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/inactive/2012/consumer-trust
Rudi Vansnick:short time
Rudi Vansnick:sounds good to me
Marinel Rosca:all fine
Gabriel Vergara:A beer:D
Rudi Vansnick:meeting schedule
Rudi Vansnick:Cherym was faster than me
Mouhamet Diop:the result was not shown on UTC
Mouhamet Diop:it is on Eastern Time i guess ?
Lars Hoffmann:it's on mountain/western time i think.
Gabriel Vergara:A good issu
Gabriel Vergara:e
Gabriel Vergara:ICAL or Outlook calendar invitation will also be an asset
Gabriel Vergara:OOOOOLLLD
Rudi Vansnick:brand new ;)
Gabriel Vergara:Really
Rudi Vansnick:and I think Lars knows it from GNSO side
Nenad Orlić:bye all
Mary Wong:@Cheryl, @Jonathan - thank you for volunteering as veterans!
Rudi Vansnick:great work Jonathan and Cheryl
Terri Agnew:Mouhamet your mic is not active
Terri Agnew:Mouhamet can you type your comment
Mouhamet Diop:do you have any suggestion for the NetMundial
Rudi Vansnick:perhaps he is asking for mlogistics ?
Mouhamet Diop:maybe the PMDM can help how to link what we are doing or suggestion.
Mouhamet Diop:closed
Mouhamet Diop:right
Berry Cobb:GNSO
Berry Cobb::-)
Rudi Vansnick:another bunch of accountants needed ;)
Marinel Rosca:Thank you
Lars Hoffmann:bye everybody.
Gabriel Vergara:Thanks.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye all
Gabriel Vergara::D
Mouhamet Diop:bye
Magaly Pazello:Thank you!
Rudi Vansnick:bye all
Rudi Vansnick:till soon
Magaly Pazello:bye all
Olevie 2:bye bye
Kayode Yussuf:bye everyone
Kayode Yussuf:looking firward to the next meeting