4 March 2014 Meeting
This meeting of the non-PDP GNSO Metrics & Reporting Working Group typically takes place on Wednesdays @13.00 UTC or 21:00 UTC - for local times, see http://tinyurl.com/nk8jt3u.
Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/metrep/
Please note that there will be NO audio enabled in the Adobe Connect room, so please all dial into the Adigo audio bridge.
Proposed Agenda – MetRep WG Meeting – 4 March 2014 @ 21:00 UTC (60 Min):
- Roll Call / Statements of Interest
- Introductions – members of the WG are invited to share information regarding interests, backgrounds, skills, experience especially as related to any requirements in the Charter
- Principles of transparency and openness
- Election of WG Leaders – Normally a Chair will be selected at the first meeting of the WG. A Working Group may elect to have co-chairs, vice-chairs. Once selected, the Working Group Chair will need to be confirmed by the GNSO Council
- Items for review: WG Background materials, WG Charter, Working Group Guidelines, GNSO Policy Development Process
- Development of work plan: attached is a draft workplan and will be modified as the WG defines its work breakdown structure
- Confirmation of next meeting / next steps
On page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#mar
Mikey O’Connor - ISPCP
Marinel Rosca - Individual
Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ALAC
Tony Onorato - IPC
Pam Little – NTAG
Andrew Merriam - NTAG
Jonathan Zuck - IPC
Robb Schecter - BC
Caleb Kow - NCUC
Kayode Yussuf - IPC
Rudi Vansnick - NPOC
Janiver Ngnoulaye - At-Large
Migel Angel Gomez Zotano - Individual
Gabriel Vergara - NCUC
Abhijith Jayanthi – BC
ICANN staff:
Mary Wong
Berry Cobb
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 04 March 2014:
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group on 04 March 2014
Marinel Rosca:Hello everybody
Mike O'Connor:Hi Marinel! welcome.
Marinel Rosca:Thank you
Robb Shecter:Hi everyone
Berry Cobb:Welcome Robb
Terri Agnew:Kayode Yussuf has joined
Kayode Yussuf:hello everybody
Terri Agnew:Rudi Vansnick has joined
Rudi Vansnick:sorry for being late, got wrong adobe connect link
Terri Agnew:Janvier Ngnoulaye has joined audio
Berry Cobb:Staff is also happy to answer any questions about process or participation in WG. You can email directly or send a note to policy-staff@icann.org
Caleb Kow:Hi this is Caleb
Caleb Kow:sorry i cant turn on my microphone.. its 5am in Singapore now and i am trying not to wake the family up :)
Caleb Kow:Sure thanks
Mary Wong:My sympathies (and Cheryl's as well, I know) - we've shared your "pain" :)
Caleb Kow:Thanks Mary :)
Terri Agnew:Janvier Ngnoulaye has joined adobe
Terri Agnew:Miguel Angel Gomez Zotano has joined
miguel.angel.gomez.zotano:can you listen to me?
Terri Agnew:Miguel you need to active your mic
miguel.angel.gomez.zotano:can you listen to me now?
Mary Wong:To activate your mic in Adobe Connect, go to ttelephone icon on top and click on Connect My Audio.
miguel.angel.gomez.zotano:i will try to use headphones
miguel.angel.gomez.zotano:i am going for them to try at the end
Mary Wong:Then choose either join the audio bridge (whch requires you to dial in or get a dial out) or choose Microphone (computer/device).
Rudi Vansnick:the audio connect works always fine for me
Rudi Vansnick:and if not i'm using skype to call in
Terri Agnew:Miguel we can also dial out to you if you provide us your phone number
Rudi Vansnick:if the audio is used by another application, you will have problems with the audio connect
Terri Agnew:we will dial out to you
miguel.angel.gomez.zotano:you can phone me at this number
Rudi Vansnick:miguel seems to be close to me (Belgium)
Robb Shecter:ok hang on -
Robb Shecter:i've got levels on my mac ...
Robb Shecter:huh funny
Janvier Ngnoulaye:No voice ?
Robb Shecter:ah hah
Rudi Vansnick:my mac works perfect ... no probs
Robb Shecter:weird - yep - getting a good mic level...
Robb Shecter:ok.
Robb Shecter:i'll call in and then circle around to me...
Robb Shecter::-)
Terri Agnew:Miguel has joined telephone
Terri Agnew:Robb if you need us to dial out to you, let me know your telephone
Kayode Yussuf:This is really a high powered team
Terri Agnew:Please remember to mute your mics when not speaking
Terri Agnew:on telephone you can press *6 to mute or unmute
Robb Shecter:i'm on via phone now
Mike O'Connor:you're up next Robb...
Rudi Vansnick:you're doing great
Rudi Vansnick:that's how we do it in IAG-CCT
Gabriel Vergara:Hi
Gabriel Vergara:'Sorry to join so late
Rudi Vansnick:waw you were lukcy !
Rudi Vansnick:what about nominating you and validate next call
Robb Shecter:I'm interested in learning -
Gabriel Vergara:Well in finland the time difference might difficult me to , anyway i will be glad to help
Robb Shecter:yep!
Janvier Ngnoulaye:Who is speaking now ? Is the staff can help to put the name of the one who is speaking on the board? On Webex, it's shown automatically .
Robb Shecter:Great. It's a skill I'd really like to learn.
Gabriel Vergara:Great
Terri Agnew:Gabriel Vergara I have added you to attendance
Gabriel Vergara:Thanks
Berry Cobb:Janiver, we do not have that feature. However, it is normal protocol to announce yourself as you speak.
Robb Shecter:Anyone have a link to this pdf?
Berry Cobb:We will get better at that.
Janvier Ngnoulaye:Yes I download that pdf already
Berry Cobb:WG Charter link: http://gnso.icann.org/en/issues/dmpm-charter-23jan14-en.pdf
Gabriel Vergara:Mike are you on USA?
Robb Shecter:thank you
Berry Cobb:WGG: http://gnso.icann.org/en/council/procedures
Rudi Vansnick:bye to all of you
Berry Cobb:CLO....yes
Gabriel Vergara:Just to correct my contact on the phone
Gabriel Vergara:list i Have
Gabriel Vergara:Due i tried to send sms and bounced back
Robb Shecter:bye
Berry Cobb:Thank you everyone
Gabriel Vergara:Mike
Marinel Rosca:have a nice evening
Caleb Kow:Thanks everyone, goodbye
Gabriel Vergara:thnks
Janvier Ngnoulaye:OK Bye bye
Gabriel Vergara:Mike wait
Gabriel Vergara:OK well i will send an email
Mike O'Connor:oops... just dropped off... dang. want me to dial in again?
Gabriel Vergara:No just to confirm
Gabriel Vergara:Are you on USA ?
Mike O'Connor:yes -- midwest
Gabriel Vergara:I tried to send an sms but bounced back
Mike O'Connor:ah -- that's not a cell phone number -- it's a magic "ring many phones number" email is best best best
Gabriel Vergara:OK I will try to check my mobile contact list
Gabriel Vergara::D
Mike O'Connor:coolio
Janvier Ngnoulaye:happy to follow you on the corner
Mike O'Connor:thanks Janvier
Gabriel Vergara:Thanks and sorry i was late today.. i messed out the hour
Gabriel Vergara:with my outlook here in finland its 00:00
Mike O'Connor:that missing-the-hour problem has *never* happened to me ;-)
Janvier Ngnoulaye:I'm in Yaounde in Cameroon in Africa it's 11pm
Gabriel Vergara:Well i was wondering if you send ical meeting then it will be better
Mike O'Connor:bye all -- i've got to sign into another call. see you on the 'net.
Gabriel Vergara:Due calculating hours its handles by software
Gabriel Vergara:Thnkls
Janvier Ngnoulaye:Thanks, Bye
Mike O'Connor:ah -- i'll check with Terri on that -- Terri, are you still monitoring the chat room? does iCal make sense to you? if not, let's correspond and get you going on that.
Gabriel Vergara:OK
Gabriel Vergara:We can follow on email
Terri Agnew:Mike it does not make sense to me
Mike O'Connor:coolio! i'll show you how that works.
Gabriel Vergara:i cal or outlook meeting invitation
Mike O'Connor:right. iCal if you're on a Mac, Outlook if you're on a PC.
Gabriel Vergara:automatically allocates the calendar booking to your region
Mike O'Connor:argh... gotta go...
Gabriel Vergara:and avoids mixing hours-.-
Gabriel Vergara:have nice afternootn
Gabriel Vergara:Thanks
Gabriel Vergara:Bye to all