4 November 2014 Meeting
MP3 recording for the Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group call held on Tuesday 04 November 2014 at 21:00 UTC at:
On page:
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr – ALAC
Olivier Kouami – NPOC
Jonathan Zuck – IPC
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Pam Little – RySG
Andrew Merriam – RySG
Sonigitu Ekpe – NCUC
Nenad Orlic – ISPCP
Kayode Yussuf – IPC
Janvier Ngnoulaye – Individual
Tony Onorato - Individual
ICANN staff:
Berry Cobb
Steve Chan
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 04 November 2014:
Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the non-PDP Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group teleconference on 04 November 2014
Sonigitu E.:Hello All!
Graeme Bunton:Good afternoon
Graeme Bunton:space noise!
Nenad Orlic:hi all
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:I'm on mute. Will be on for just front end of call.
Jonathan Zuck:Just the "top" of the call?
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:sure, top, front end, beginning, the like :)
Jonathan Zuck:Issue report
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:great point, Graeme
Nenad Orlic:Sorry i missed last few meetings
Nenad Orlic:so i may be out of current thinking
Nenad Orlic:of the group
Nenad Orlic:'F' flow of the chart presumes that if data is paid there is no confidetiality issue?
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:I hear that. I'm just saying in getting to YES we shouldn't make it overly burdensome to say NO. i.e, forcing a YES
Berry Cobb:@Nenad. Thank you for pointing that out. We'' try to account for that in the next version.
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:good reminder
Nenad Orlic:i'm not familiar with icann budgeting procedure but how is budget approval process aligned to expected timeline that some group should deliver
Nenad Orlic:what is budget approval brakes deadlines imposed on the working group that needs that data?
Graeme Bunton:this WG can't make data provision mandatory
Nenad Orlic:i also think that we cannot make data provision mandatory
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:I agree with that
Nenad Orlic:only to provide guidelines for terms and conditions
Nenad Orlic:if it is in goup mandate
Terri Agnew:Kayode Yussuf has joined
Nenad Orlic:sorry for few typos i think you understood what i meant to say
Berry Cobb:@Nenad. We will devote future sessions to discuss further about budget for requests.
Berry Cobb:The typcial process today is if there is likely a monetary requirement the request is sent to the GNSO Council and determined there. If accepted, the Council works with staff to fulfill the request.
Berry Cobb:But likely it does impact timelines for WGs.
Nenad Orlic:most probably, but question is how much
Nenad Orlic:and should that 'budget lag' be taken into account when deciding
Nenad Orlic:about aquiring some data
Nenad Orlic:from commercial source
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:I apologize for having to drop off at this point - I'll catch up on the recording. I agree with Jonathan's framing of the process but am obviously hesitant of any policy recommendations that would result in greater compliance-like communication from ICANN itself.
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:Cheers
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:all good THANKS
Graeme Bunton:There's like 35 people with their names on this WG
Jonathan Zuck:Graeme, that's a perpetual issues, obviously.
Nenad Orlic:more email communication would be fine :)
Terri Agnew:Janvier Ngnoulaye has joined
Sonigitu E.:Lost connection due to heavy down pour here in Calabar.
Ngnoulaye:sorry, I'm late
Ngnoulaye:Connectivity problem
Sonigitu E.:I would like to work in.
Graeme Bunton:Agreed, we'd need to try both
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Agree with thT Jonathen but lets get it started with IRTP-B
Nenad Orlic:ok
Nenad Orlic:no objection here
Graeme Bunton:works for me
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:all good by me
Ngnoulaye:OK with me
Sonigitu E.:Its ok.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:keep to schedule
Graeme Bunton:I am rammed with CWG and PPSAi
Graeme Bunton:so 2 weeks is better for me
Nenad Orlic:two weeks is fine
Ngnoulaye:I'm fine with 2 weeks
Nenad Orlic:bye
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Thanks Bye
Ngnoulaye:Thanks, bye
Kayode Yussuf:bye everyone