9 September 2014 Meeting
This meeting of the non-PDP GNSO Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group typically takes place on Tuesdays at alternating - for local times, see http://tinyurl.com/nk8jt3u.
Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/dmpm/
On page:
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr – ALAC
Olivier Kouami – NPOC
Jonathan Zuck – IPC
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Marinel Rosca – Individual
Pam Little – RySG
Jeremy Beale- Independent
Gabriel Vergara-NCUC
ICANN staff:
Amy Bivins
Berry Cobb
Steve Chan
Brenda Brewer
Terri Agnew
Proposed Agenda – DMPM WG Meeting – 9 September 2014 @ 20:00 UTC (60 Min):
1. Roll Call / Statements of Interest
2. Review Issue Report Guide - Draft
3. Discuss metrics requests from Contracted Parties
4. Discuss LA Meeting session
5. Discuss next steps and confirm next meeting
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 09 September 2014:
Brenda Brewer:Welcome to the Data and Metrics for Policy Making Working Group on the 09th of September 2014
Marinel Rosca:Hello everybody
Jeremy Beale:Hello - apologies for the long absence, I've been dealing with a family bereavement.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:so sorry to hear that Jeremy
Jeremy Beale:Thanks Cheryl - it's meant many trips to Sydney,but not for pleasure unfortunately.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I trust the worst is over then...
Jeremy Beale:Yep
Terri Agnew:Gabriel Vergara has joined
Gabriel Vergara:Hi sorrry .. im late
Berry Cobb:I would just add that we will circle back to this document likely after LA /after our deliberations of the framework for contracted party data access.
Graeme Bunton:Americans use the expression 'to table soemthing' backwards
Gabriel Vergara:what about meassuring spammer phishers and registrars ratings?
Gabriel Vergara:Tata my point if its private how to mine the right data
Graeme Bunton:I'm not sure what you mean by measuring spam and phishing, Gabriel
Graeme Bunton:Definitely worth looking into what can be done with already collected data
Gabriel Vergara:Imean as an example how to filter to numbers which are the regitrars that have most domain owners that provide spam, or malicous software or bad behaviour...
Gabriel Vergara:if data is anonymized
Graeme Bunton:I suspect that sort of investigation is outside most of the use cases we'd be looking into
Gabriel Vergara:would be hard to pin point problems so when policy making the data has trhe right tools to taclke down
Gabriel Vergara:would be hard to pin point problems so when policy making the data has trhe right tools to taclke down '
Gabriel Vergara:those problems
Olevie:frm Lome Togo
Pam Little:Here are our initial thoughts:
Pam Little:1. Request for data should be non-discriminatory among registrars/registries.2. Request for data should clearly state that provision of such data is optional. 3. Request for data should clearly state the purposes for which the data will be used.4. Cost of providing the data should not be borne by the registrars/registries.5. Data provided should be treated as confidential, unless otherwise agreed by the data provider. 6. Data provided should be anonymized and aggregated, unless otherwise agreed by the data provider. 7. There should be safeguards to protect against unauthorized access or disclosure. 8. Data that has not been anonymized or aggregated should be destroyed promptly after completion of the purpose stated in the request.
Graeme Bunton:Agreed with that Steve
Pam Little:Agreed with Jonathan there.
Pam Little:We need to show "what's in it for them".
Berry Cobb:Abuse types of data are also often collected by 3rd parties like SpamHaus and other sources. Another part of our charter is to define a framework on how WG can access these types of external data as well to include a discussion around budgetary implications.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:sounds great Pam
Berry Cobb:The LA Schedule is still in draft, but the Monday at 13:00 to 14:30 slot was requeted.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:why not both
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:after if possible
JeremyBeale:Not sure if my mic is working properly. But Graeme mentioned that one member said pricing should be off the agenda. This raises an important point for a self-regulatory body like ICANN - that it ensures that data requests do not cover data sharing that could be viewed as anti-competitive or trust-promoting in effect.
Berry Cobb:If we turn down Monday, then Thurs AM is the only other option
Berry Cobb:Affirmative
Graeme Bunton:Wednesday?
Berry Cobb:Wed we have conflicts with GNSO Council meeting and other WGs
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:what is the Monday time slot berry?
Berry Cobb:13:-- - 14:30
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thx
Berry Cobb:13:00
Berry Cobb:We can also do "sales for attendance" on the weekend GNSO sessions.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup
Berry Cobb:Next WG meeting 23 Sept at 20:00 UTC
Marinel Rosca:thank you
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thx