4 December 2013 Meeting

4 December 2013 Meeting

This meeting of the non-PDP GNSO Metrics & Reporting Working Group typically takes place on Wednesdays @14.00 UTC or 21:00 UTC - for local times, see http://tinyurl.com/nk8jt3u.

Adobe Connect roomhttp://icann.adobeconnect.com/metrep/

Please note that there will be NO audio enabled in the Adobe Connect room, so please all dial into the Adigo audio bridge.

On page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#dec
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:

Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ALAC
Tony Onorato –unaffiliated
Pam Little - NTAG
Tom Lowenhaupt – NARALO
Mikey O'Connor – ISPCP
Jennifer Wolfe - NCA

Lars Hoffmann

ICANN staff:
Berry Cobb
Julia Charvolen

Proposed Agenda – MetRep WG Meeting – 4 DECEMBER 2013 @ 21:00 UTC (60 Min):

  1. Roll Call / Statements of Interest
  2. Summary Update of MetRep Briefing to GNSO Council (transcript)
  3. Continue Development of Draft Charter  (See section 2 & MindMap)
  4. Review Work plan / Confirm Next Meeting BA (11 DEC @ 13:00 UTC)



  1. MetRep_Transcript – transcript of MetRep status to GNSO Council in BA
  2. MetRep_RAPWG_UofR_Extract – contains only the original recommendation regarding Uniformity of Reporting from the RAPWG
  3. RAPWG_AlumniGroup_UofR_Comments – is a response from the RAPWG alumni group regarding the Uniformity of Reporting recommendation that requested the issue report for this effort
  4. Final_Issue_Report_on_Uniformity_of_Reporting – See sections 4.5, 4.6, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4
  5. Metrics_and_Reporting_MM – HTML file of mind map used to categorize our deliberations thus far
  6. GNSO_Metrep_WG_Charter – See Section II; a first draft based on DT deliberations


Adobe Connect chat transcript for Wednesday 04 December 2013:

  Berry Cobb:Welcome to the 4 DEC 2013 GNSO Metrics & Reporting Conference Call.

  Tony Onorato:Hello all

  Julia Charvolen:Thomas Lowenhauot joined the phone bridge

  Berry Cobb:I do have the RAPWG recommendation extract loaded into the AC room if we want to reference it in detail.

  Mike O'Connor:Berry, let's go back to the draft charter

  pam little:Should "compliment" be "complement"?

  Berry Cobb:Mikey, I've taken comment notes and will pass this version over to you to take the pen.

  Berry Cobb:I made that change.

  Berry Cobb:No fear here.

  Berry Cobb:Enterprise Boards of large scale IT shops.  Not entirely the saem as legislative....but close

  Julia Charvolen:Will do Cheryl

  Tony Onorato:I think that's a metric Cheryl

  Julia Charvolen:Thank you all