11 March 2014 Meeting
This meeting of the non-PDP GNSO Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group typically takes place on Tuesdays @21.00 UTC - for local times, see http://tinyurl.com/nk8jt3u.
Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/metrep/
Please note that there will be NO audio enabled in the Adobe Connect room, so please all dial into the Adigo audio bridge.
Proposed Agenda – DMPM WG Meeting – 11 March 2014 @ 21:00 UTC (60 Min):
- Roll Call / Statements of Interest
- Introductions – For those members that were unable to attend the 1st meeting
- Election of WG Leaders
- Items for review: WG Charter; SO/AC Outreach
- Plan for Singapore Session
- Review of work plan - draft
- Confirmation of next meeting / next steps
On page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#mar
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Mikey O’Connor - ISPCP
Marinel Rosca - Individual
Tony Onorato - Individual
Pam Little – RySG
Andrew Merriam - RySG
Jonathan Zuck - IPC
Rob Schecter - BC
Caleb Kow - NCUC
Kayode Yussuf - IPC
Rudi Vansnick - NPOC
Janiver Ngnoulaye - Individual
Gabriel Vergara - NCUC
Rising John Osazuwa – At Large
Saurabh Jindal – SOI
Olevie Kouame – NPOC
Klaus Stoll – NPOC
Sonigitu Ekpe - NCUC
Tom Lowenhaupt – ALAC
Adamu B Ishiaku – Non Commercial
Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ALAC
ICANN staff:
Lars Hoffman
Berry Cobb
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 11 March 2014:
Berry Cobb:Welcome to the Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group on the 11th March 2014
Rudi Vansnick:hi everyone
Rudi Vansnick:i'm on the adobe connect audio
Saurabh Jindal:Hi everybody
Tony Onorato:Hi everyone
Marinel Rosca:Hello everbody
Jonathan Zuck:Berry can you make my microphone work?
Robb Shecter:Hi everyone
Olevie:I'm lucky today o join you on AC
Olevie:I got the audio
Terri Agnew 2:Klaus Stoll has joined
Sonigitu Ekpe:Hello everyone! Greetings from Abuja, Nigeria.
Terri Agnew 2:Jonathan Zuck is on
Terri Agnew 2:Marinel Rosca has joined
Berry Cobb:The Secretariat team is working on capturing the remaining SOIs.
Berry Cobb:For those new to Adobe Connect. You have the ability to scroll down on the members list you see in front of you.
Berry Cobb:Once this list is complete, it will also be posted in our WIKI space....without email addresses.
Terri Agnew 2:Sonigtu Ekpe has joined
Berry Cobb:JZ is testing the mic feature in AC..... not working.
Terri Agnew 2:Jonathan check your mic
Jonathan Zuck:I guess the microphone isn't working. I'll call
Caleb Kow:My name seems to be missing from today's list. It was there last week though
Caleb Kow::)
Jonathan Zuck:k
Gabriel Vergara:AWWW
Gabriel Vergara:!!!!
Gabriel Vergara:Yes
Gabriel Vergara:We can
Terri Agnew 2:Klaus your mic is open
Klaus Stoll:Thanks
Rudi Vansnick:I can confirm, it is not an easy task !
Berry Cobb:by the Council. The WG Chair & Co-Chairs(s) approval will be an agenda item at the GNSO Council session on Wednesday in Singapore.
Rudi Vansnick:i'm co-chairing a PDP WG and it takes a lot of time to handle all material
Rudi Vansnick:what is going to be the frequency of the meetings ?
Berry Cobb:likely weekly.
Berry Cobb:we will set our regular schedule post Singapore meeting.
Terri Agnew 2:Olevie audio is open
Rudi Vansnick:If needed, I'm willing to assist in chairing if the time consumption is not too intensive
Jonathan Zuck:I'm happy to do it
Jonathan Zuck:And a passion for data and metrics... ;)
Rudi Vansnick:I support Jonathan's candidature ;-)
Berry Cobb:yes it is the same.
Olevie:Please what is the question adressing to me ?
Jonathan Zuck:This doc doesn't mention the need to learn mindmap when Mikey is Chair
Rudi Vansnick:very good !
Rudi Vansnick:i would suggest Mike being the chair
Gabriel Vergara:Agree Rudi
Gabriel Vergara:Mike
Sonigitu Ekpe:I support Mike for chair
Tony Onorato:+1
Pam Little:+1
Jonathan Zuck:perfect
Tony Onorato:sounds reasonable
Robb Shecter:=1
Robb Shecter:+1
Berry Cobb:I will send this to the list....and if no objections, we can move it fwd.
Berry Cobb:no meeting
Rudi Vansnick:be carefull too many will travel !
Rudi Vansnick:maybe good to oknow who is going to be in Singapore
Klaus Stoll:I volunteering
Olevie:+@Klaus as Council liaison
Berry Cobb:http://doodle.com/an8944bm35gywdz7v4e7495h/admin#table
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:yes
Andrew Merriam, Top Level Design:red- not going to be there
Tony Onorato:Sadly, not going to be there
Rudi Vansnick:chair & co-chairs will be there
Rudi Vansnick:the slides were provided by Berry through email just at the beginning of this call
Berry Cobb:Thank you Rudi.
Olevie:Not goihng to be there also
Terri Agnew 2:Sonigitu can you please mute your line
Gabriel Vergara:Please use headsets
Jonathan Zuck:The very essence of accountability
Sonigitu Ekpe:Thank you for the clarification.
Olevie:Iand transparency too
Olevie:I think that Policy and Implementation WG and DMPM WG are complementary
Rudi Vansnick:i like the question "Mechanisms whhereby GNSO working groups can request information ...!
Rudi Vansnick:Mike : how do you see the meeting in Singapore ? structure, agenda ?
Rudi Vansnick:perfect, will allow me to prepare myself as good as possible
Olevie:We need a mindmap at
Olevie:for this WG
Gabriel Vergara:We need it
Berry Cobb:Mindmap will be useful when we review past WG efforts.
Olevie:I think it easy to understand
Gabriel Vergara:You can send it to us who are not there in Singapore :D
Rudi Vansnick:open source = perfect
Gabriel Vergara:Its portable
Marinel Rosca:i am ok with mindmap and using it extensively
Jonathan Zuck:http://youtu.be/i7iQbBbMAFE
Olevie:+1@Rudi for Open source
Olevie:= perfect (True)
Olevie:Is this item include in point 6 of the agenda ?
Rising John Osazuwa:Early comment and feedback: excellent
Gabriel Vergara:Remotely
Rudi Vansnick:good idea
Berry Cobb:Olevie, no #6 was bypassed. I will send a draft plan out to the list. we will not make it more formal until after Singapore
Gabriel Vergara:I can youn remotly to the bar
Gabriel Vergara:join
Olevie:@Berre Thank you
Tony Onorato:Thanks Mikey
Rising John Osazuwa:Thanks all
Marinel Rosca:thank you
Caleb Kow:Thanks all
Rudi Vansnick:thank you all till soon again
Gabriel Vergara:We can the Join remotely on the bar ,, and thanks
Gabriel Vergara:We can the Join remotely on the bar ,, and thanks'
Kayode Yussuf:thank you everyone and
Sonigitu Ekpe:Thank.
Rising John Osazuwa:Bye
Kayode Yussuf:have a nice meeting in Singapore
Olevie:Hi Yussuf
Olevie:Hi Rising
Olevie:glad to meet you there
Rising John Osazuwa:Hello Olevie, Glad to meet you