Action Items: 2017-11-21 At-Large IGF 2017 Organizational Committee Call
Action Items: 2017-11-21 At-Large IGF 2017 Organizational Committee Call
- Heidi Ullrich to invite Adam Peake, Renata Aquino and Mandy to the next call
- Heidi Ullrich and Susie Johnson to contact Deidre and Nigel in Geneva office to ensure two pop ups to the venue.
- Gisella Gruber to coordinate the printing: AT-Large (EN/FR); AFRALO, APRALO, EURALO and NARALO and remaining LACRALO brochures
- Gisella Gruber and Olivier Crépin-Leblond to get floor sized plastic rack for display rack for, flip charts, post it notes and pens
- Susie Johnson confirmed price of Convertor - $3.59 ($4.68 on adapter) - $450 for 50