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At-Large Registration Issues Working Group Monthly Reports
At-Large Registration Issues Working Group Monthly Reports
There are three GNSO Working Groups that deal with Whois data.
The Privacy and Proxy Services group released its Issues report at the end of April with public comments due just after the BA meeting. The WG received over 2000 comments, with the vast concerned at the possibility that personal information 'protected' by a p/p service may be revealed, or revealed in circumstances other than a warrant. The WG is working to a very tight timeframe, with a review of all the comments, and suggestions for a final report due before the Dublin meeting, with recommndations to be finalised by the end of October and voted on by the GNSO Council on 9 November. We are now discussing either extending the time for weekly meetings, or additional subteam meetings so that we can meet the timelines.
Whois Conflicts
The WG has released its draft Issues Report and is currently considering the report
Next Generation gTLD REgistration Directors Services to Replace Whois Preliminary Report
The report has been released and the period for comment is open. (this is part of the longer term look at the issue of the privacy of registraton (Whois) data
There are three GNSO Working Groups that deal with Whois data.
The Privacy and Proxy Services group released its Issues report at the end of April with public comments due just after the BA meeting. The WG received over 2000 comments, with the vast concerned at the possibility that personal information 'protected' by a p/p service may be revealed, or revealed in circumstances other than a warrant. The WG is working to a very tight timeframe, with a review of all the comments, and suggestions for a final report due before the Dublin meeting, with recommndations to be finalised by the end of October and voted on by the GNSO Council on 9 November. We are now discussing either extending the time for weekly meetings, or additional subteam meetings so that we can meet the timelines.
Whois Conflicts
The WG has released its draft Issues Report and is currently considering the report
Next Generation gTLD REgistration Directors Services to Replace Whois Preliminary Report
The report has been released and the period for comment is open. (this is part of the longer term look at the issue of the privacy of registraton (Whois) data