First ATLAS I Survey Questions sent to ALSes

First ATLAS I Survey Questions sent to ALSes

The first survey sent to ALSes consisted of Twelve questions 


At the San Juan meeting work began on the organisation of an ICANN At-Large Community Summit to which all accredited and candidate At-Large structures (ALS) would be invited to send a representative. This event is intended to help the At-Large community to learn more about ICANN’s work and current issues, to exchange experiences among ALSes and RALOs and to conclude statements on policy areas that are felt to be important to the At-Large community.

The Summit-working group is mandated with further work to prepare for this important event which is proposed to take place in calendar year 2008. In order to set an agenda, design the programme using a bottom-up approach, the Summit organising team needs to understand what the At-Large community representatives believe would make a compelling event. This survey is designed to help the organisers understand your concerns, ideas and expectations related to the proposed Summit. We hope that you will help us by answering the questions that follow.

Please note that the Summit is an interactive event that requires active involvement by all participants in order to succeed. Failure to return this survey by June 20, 2008 will negatively impact your ALS’s eligibility to be funded to participate in the Summit, should funding for the Summit be made available either by ICANN, by third-parties, or both.

The results of this survey will be reviewed at ICANN’s next meeting in June 08 in Paris.

Any information you provide will remain confidential. It will be used only to prepare a summary of results. No individual information will be published.

Name  _________________________

Email Address   ___________________

Country of Residence   _________________________________________              

Which ALS do you represent?   _________________________________________




Question 1

Which general areas below are of interest to you with respect to the proposed Summit?

Please list the numbers from the list below (for example: 2,1,5,3,4,7,6) in order of your preference from most to least interesting. You may also write in additional themes you find important.

1. To learn more about ICANN, its mission and mandate, its working structure, constituencies and functioning
2. To learn more about issues under discussion which you do not understand in as much depth as you would like
3. To exchange experience with other ALSes / RALOs
4. To work with other At-Large community members on current issues being discussed in ICANN and come to agreement on joint positions
5. To initiate work by the At-Large community on new areas of concern to you which are not yet being discussed in ICANN
6. To collaborate with other communities participating in ICANN and build relationships with them for future collaboration
7. Other Theme


Question 2

What kind(s) of models of presentation and work are you most in favour of?

Please list the numbers from the list below from most preferred to least preferred. As with the previous question, if you wish to add something not listed, please do so:

1. “Lecture Hall” Style Presentations: Speeches/presentations by ICANN experts
2. “Panel Discussion” Style Presentations: Expert panels, incl. Non-ICANN experts, debating issues
3. “Audience Participation Roundtables: Interactive sessions like working groups or subject-related Workshops where all participants
4. A combination of the Panel Discussion and Audience Participation formats




Question 3

Conferences often have a ‘Keynote Speaker’. Do you favour such an event as a part of the Summit?


  • Yes
  • No
  • No Opinion

If you answered ‘Yes’ above, do you have a suggestion for any speakers you would like to hear?
Please consider when replying that speakers which would require a fee to speak may well be unavailable for reasons of expense:





Question 4

What should be the Outcomes of a Summit?

Please rank options in order of preference. If you wish you may add a new item next to “Other” below.

1. Finalised positions of the community on policy areas under discussion at ICANN, or on new policy areas the community wishes to initiate
2. Declaration of Basic Principles
3. A Plan of Action for further work
4. Declaration of Internet User Rights as they relate to the mission of ICANN
5. Specific At-Large response to priority issues
6. Other:  _________





Question 5

What is important or /indispensable for your ALSes participation at the Summit?



Question 6

Have we missed something?

If you believe there is a question that is missing from this survey, please provide it below. There will be more surveys as the planning proceeds so any additional questions you think should be asked are important to us



Question 7

Do you have any comments you wish to make?

Please provide any further input you wish considered in the box below. You will be
contacted for follow-up to the extent possible (depending upon the number of participants in
the survey and the number which provide input to us below)




Question 8

Participation of Your ALS in the Summit

If the Summit takes place, will your ALS send a representative?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Perhaps

If you answered ‘No’ or ‘Perhaps’ above please let us know what could be done to make the participation by your ALS more likely





Question 9

Participation of Your ALS in ICANN Meetings.

Has your ALS attended any previous ICANN Meetings?

  • Yes
  • No




Question 10

Will your ALS have a representative at the Paris ICANN Meeting, June 23-26, 2008?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Perhaps




Question 11

Will your ALS have a representative at the Cairo ICANN Meeting Nov. 2-7, 2008?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Perhaps

If you answered ‘No’ or ‘Perhaps’ please let us know why you answered this way.



Question 12

Summit Planning Team

Would you like to be a part of the team planning and running the Summit?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Please send me more details




Thanks for your responses and contributions - they are necessary for preparation and programming of the planned Summit!