New gTLDs WG 12-12-2011 Summary Minutes

New gTLDs WG 12-12-2011 Summary Minutes

Summary Minutes from the At-Large new gTLD WG Meeting of 12 December 2011:

Participants: Avri Doria, Yaovi Atohoun, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Cintra Sooknanan, Alan Greenberg, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Carlos Aguirre


Staff: Heidi Ullrich,  Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Nathalie Peregrine

Discussion of Board/Staff response on JAS  

Alan Greenberg (AG) gave a detailed summary  of the documents of the Board/Staff/Community Group.

Tijani Ben Jemaa (TBJ): Fee reduction is a big problem. Second point, there is no mention of the panel. Third point, the financial evaluation - there are no objective criteria. Also, the money will be lost, so the unsuccessful candidate will lose all of their money.

Avri Doria (AD): The $5,000 needs to be submitted on 12 January, but the other money will need to be submitted only at the end of the application process.

AG: The JAS Committee tried many different criteria for objective financial criteria. I'd prefer objectives, it is not clear that they will be created.

ADi: We need to get a discussion going. We need to figure out how we'd like ALAC to respond. We need to reach out to Kurt (Pritz) and Chris (?) regarding getting extra funds for the (did not capture). We need to also ask them re the composition of the Support Applicant Review Panel (SARP).

TBJ: The objective criteria don't give the necessary information.

AD - Objective criteria are hard to determine. We need to work with them on this. We need to do more work on this.

New gTLDs - Continuing Operations Instrument (COI)

AD introduced the topic.

TBJ: Will send comments tomorrow.

AG: The critical point is that we develop a statement. We have days and perhaps even weeks.

AD: I think it is almost certain that staff will make a proposal.

Sebastien Bachollet (SB): My feelings is that by the time it will be out for public comment, I don't see how any substantive changes will be made even if it is open for public comment. I feel like that it is for small points. If you have some suggestions, that the staff and Board should watch out for, you should add your comments. The $5,000 is when you apply, not by 12 January.

TBJ: Is there any way to give staff our comments prior to the public comment?

AD: I will work with people who wish to discuss it on the lists and make a recommendation to the ALAC. I will add it to the next new gTLD WG agenda.

SB: It may be easier if you have a list of items. Avri, you can send it to the list of the Board WG members. We, as Board, and staff as well, can answer your questions.

AD: Yes, we'll start a discussion on the list. Re the COI, there were some very rich discussions that never made it to the final report as there was no agreement. However, there was extensive discussion which may be worth considering again.

Continuation of Objection Process Discussions

Reviewed the latest contributions to the Blue Sky exercise including those that had been neglected the week before.

AD: It is true that ALAC/At-Large does not have anything like an early warning system.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh (DAT): I posted an email to the list - just to walk through the process for the objective process. The first step, when ICANN publishes all the applications considered ok (Jan 12, 2012).

AD: Dev, thanks for your efforts on this Blue Sky Exercise.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OCL): Thanks also to Dev for your efforts. I've been in touch with the GAC. They are preparing an on-line tool to rate objections with help from staff.

Any other Business

-  Selection process for v-chair role.

AD: The WG is to consider who they would like to have as a vice-chair.