At-Large FY23 Additional Budget Request Implementation Workspace
FY23 ABR Decisions
At-Large FY23 Budget Development Workspace
Approved RALO Additional Budget Request
Request | RALO | Original Description | Details of Decision | Materials Required | Lead(s) | Status |
Diversity in ICANN Leadership Bodies (Part 2) | EURALO | PurposeDiversity in ICANN Leadership bodies (Part I) was supported as an ABR in FY22. It is a follow-up. As we are late in Part I, a part II will be very useful. The description in the document link above is still accurate. The diversity includes a broad range of data. To enhance diversity, we need to be able to collect those data. It will be useful to gather the data both from an historical point of view and from a current and future situation. All the ICANN leadership bodies can be concerned but the first one to be discuss (as a large part the data are already collected and in the last mile to be analyzed) can/must be the Board of ICANN. But we will take this opportunity to update it and split in 2 parts. Part I Finalize the collection of the data of all the members, since the creation of ICANN, of the ICANN Board. Analyze the data collected. Part II The other ICANN leadership bodies will be studied. Gathering the data in setting up a survey open to all leaders. Analyze the data collected by SO/AC. In addition, if the data allows, it will be interesting to do a deep dive to all the people who take leadership position in more than one body. It will be link with the work that SO/AC will have to undertake regarding continuous improvement proposed by ATRT3 (and supported by ICANN Board) During both part workshop can be organized. Workshops’ themes: - What is Diversity (based on the WS2 ccwg-ICANN accountability document)? - What are the data that need to be collected? - Evolution of diversity in various ICANN leadership groups - How to enhance diversity in ICANN leadership groups? - Role of the NomCom to enhance diversity? Research/Study and Meeting Online Workshops for a small task force EURALO/At Large/ other SO/AC joint Cross community face-to-face workshop at one ICANN meeting (when they resume). But the output of this work can be also used for national, regional and global meetings and/or activities such as IGF. AlignmentICANN Accountability (WS2 on diversity), Internet Governance, multistakeholder Category
ObjectivesAudienceThe whole ICANN and other that are interested on ICANN diversity. Outcomes
EvaluationMetricsWe have started to gathered data, start to analyze them and discuss some possible way of enhancing ICANN diversity. Outcomes A picture of the diversity (history) in (one or more) ICANN body Some way forward to enhance diversity of ICANN body/bodies SustainabilityCollection of data can be continue each (one, two or three) year to update the study. | This is a recommendation for support on the condition that both the findings from the FY22 study are published and the related virtual workshop takes place by 30 June 2022. If these conditions are not met, then the estimated support will not be allocated for FY23. ICANN org agrees with EURALO that enhancing diversity in ICANN community leadership bodies would benefit from additional data. ICANN org encourages EURALO The approved request must incorporate a virtual Estimated support: $14,000 | Responsible Staff: Heidi Ullrich and Ergys Ramaj At-Large Lead: Sebastien Bachollet | Completed The 2023 Roundtable 2 (by EURALO) on ICANN: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is scheduled on Tuesday, 16 May 2023 at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes. |