Zoom chat: 2020-08-03 At-Large Technology Task Force Call

Zoom chat: 2020-08-03 At-Large Technology Task Force Call

10:00:00 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All.
10:00:16 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome everyone to the At-Large Technology Taskforce Call!
10:00:38 From Evin Erdogdu : Hello everyone, welcome.
10:02:56 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Mary!
10:03:59 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Raymond!
10:04:34 From Raymond Mamattah (Ghana) : Thanks Michelle.
10:05:20 From Evin Erdogdu : Welcome back Mark :)
10:05:36 From Mary Wong : Carlos is on a Board Technical Committee call that is running over, he will be late but Mark will give the ITI update anyway.
10:06:03 From Evin Erdogdu : https://preview.icann.org/
10:06:07 From Heidi Ullrich : Thank you, Mary.
10:06:12 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Sarah!
10:06:13 From Evin Erdogdu : http://feedback.icann.org/
10:06:22 From Evin Erdogdu : Thanks Mary
10:06:40 From Mary Wong : We thank all the At Large and TTF members who attended the ITI webinars; your feedback was very helpful!
10:09:00 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : and the challenge of the wiki not mobile friendly
10:09:10 From Jonathan Zuck : And the timing for opening up the content management system to the rest of the community
10:10:50 From Mary Wong : The wiki is one of the more important topics under the E&IT strategy work, as are the websites.
10:11:11 From Jonathan Zuck : https://www.techrepublic.com/article/opening-up-atlassian-confluence-to-mobile-users/#:~:text=Opening%20up%20Atlassian%20Confluence%20to%20mobile%20users%201,10%20Atlassian%20Confluence%20and%20a%20mobile%20workforce.%20
10:11:46 From Sarah Kiden : “Render page” for mobile users on the wiki
10:12:53 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : @Sarah - indeed, which is especially annoying for mobile users - and anyone coming from public from social media, its a turn off
10:13:01 From Judith Hellerstein : Yes. I could not think of that term
10:14:52 From Jonathan Zuck : Are we sure that Confluence is part of our future?
10:15:02 From Mary Wong : Stepping back a little from the details, a lot of this is exactly why we are focusing on a long term IT tools/support strategy for the community.
10:15:53 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Well, if we were to "switch" we would have to export a lot of data
10:15:59 From Jonathan Zuck : Exactly @Mary, there’s a tactical vs strategic issue here
10:16:24 From Mary Wong : @Jonathan, that is one of the many questions under discussion - including what (if any) viable alternatives are there that will have similar essential features but that ICANN org can also support long term in view of ITI etc.
10:16:28 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : to whatever tool we would use to replace the wiki
10:17:19 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Carlos & Shamar!
10:18:04 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Nadira!
10:18:41 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : thanks Michelle
10:18:42 From Mary Wong : The wiki, every community website and all the other tools are part of the strategic discussion.
10:19:03 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Abdeldjalil!
10:19:41 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Thanks Michelle. and sorry for being late .
10:20:45 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : is there a sort of timeline for this ?
10:20:59 From Sarah Kiden : +1 to the timelines
10:21:12 From Judith Hellerstein : Yes timelines are very important
10:21:24 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : a year, 2 years, 5 years...longer ?
10:22:04 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : I think it is an ongoing continuous improvement and maybe a landmark rather than timeline
10:25:07 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Joan!
10:28:49 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Abdulkarim!
10:29:06 From Abdulkarim oloyede : apologies am joining late.
10:31:12 From Alfredo Calderon : Thank you @Mark and @mary for you honest responses.
10:34:29 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : can be exported to open formats
10:34:35 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : things like that
10:36:30 From Mary Wong : @Jonathan, thank you. Yes, very clear and we totally understand.
10:41:59 From Mary Wong : Carlos touches on a good point - we are certainly not trying to prevent the community from trying out tools that may help their immediate needs, but we need also to be realistic about whether ICANN org will necessarily be able to support new tools.
10:42:56 From Jonathan Zuck : But @Mary no one is asking you to support them, other than letting staff on. Slack is a perfect example of a technology already in use by staff. Not sure I understand the IT support issue in that case.
10:44:00 From Mary Wong : @Jonathan - got it, I wasn’t actually thinking of Slack as much as I was of potential wiki replacements.
10:44:39 From Jonathan Zuck : @Mary, we don’t need to replace the wiki necessarily but supplement it with tools that let us get our job done now.
10:45:47 From Jonathan Zuck : That’s why we need some kind of “criteria” for tool selection.
10:46:00 From Judith Hellerstein : @jonathan exactly
10:46:00 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : So for example, there's this http://www.icannlac.org/ which appears to be externally developed site
10:46:26 From Jonathan Zuck : Exactly
10:46:43 From Alfredo Calderon : +1 on @Jonathan point. We need clear criteria for our tool selection.
10:47:57 From Shamar Ward : Is there an open standard that we can follow which would allow for proper integration later. This would allow for proper selection and a more aligned selection
10:48:51 From Jonathan Zuck : This is legal you’e talking about?
10:50:17 From Jonathan Zuck : I’d love to get back to specifics, if we can. Let’s talk about Slack. Obviously, it has passed whatever criteria there are for infosec, etc., and it passed those test quite some time ago. What is the specific obstacle to the use of Slack by the community?
10:50:30 From Mary Wong : I think Mark is talking about an overall process that may or may not involve Legal, but that will always involve E&IT and info sec evaluation.
10:51:11 From Mary Wong : I think Slack is in the pipeline for evaluation as a community tool.
10:51:14 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : How about pure SaaS services like Slack, Google Apps, WordPress.com ?
10:52:23 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : I can certainly appreciate the challenges with doing Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service so we can certainly avoid those
10:55:09 From Jonathan Zuck : I think it is but Slack has the benefit of being familiar to staff
10:55:40 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Indeed, I don't understand the resistance especially to Software as a Service type things like Slack
10:59:59 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : And also, can watch the YouTube later if they can't attend
11:00:00 From Sarah Kiden : Very good suggestion for the live feed via YouTube
11:00:47 From Alfredo Calderon : The feed can actually be done through Facebook and the medias using OBS.
11:01:58 From Alfredo Calderon : OBS = Open Broadcaster Software https://obsproject.com
11:02:39 From Jonathan Zuck : There are LOTS of ways to do it Alfredo. There might me one that ORG favors
11:06:26 From Jonathan Zuck : I understand that @Mary. And I understand the limits of support for the additional sessions. It’s just that there are technological solutions to bridge the gap.
11:07:26 From Mary Wong : @Jonathan - I imagine so, and that’s why it’s a convo that may be timely with those parts of ICANN org that handle meetings support too.
11:08:08 From Mary Wong : @Judith - I think the discussion can be between the community planners and ICANN org, as it’s not necessarily just an At Large issue.
11:09:58 From Mary Wong : @Jonathan - how about you/the TTF sending the questions to me? I am happy to bring it up internally in org.
11:11:12 From Mary Wong : (once the TTF and ALAC have agreed on the requests/questions, of course)
11:12:21 From Jonathan Zuck : I’ll write up the JZ proposal, together with Judith, and we’ll discuss as the TFF quickly so that we can make a recommendation efficiently to the ALAC
11:12:31 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Also, can ICANN implement interpretation within Zoom https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360034919791-Language-interpretation-in-meetings-and-webinars or are there challenges ICANN has discovered
11:13:08 From Jonathan Zuck : Same as the GAC, fyi
11:13:45 From Judith Hellerstein : Also why cannot we use our monthly RTT hours during the meeting times when translation is not available
11:14:36 From Jonathan Zuck : For SURE, and the expressed these interests prior to the last two meetings. Just trying to run the traps better this time around
11:15:18 From Jonathan Zuck : Sorry!
11:15:49 From Mary Wong : @Jonathan, absolutely no worries. Like I said, I’m happy to transmit the documented requests once you have them.
11:15:56 From Jonathan Zuck : Ball’s in our court Judith. Let’s put a letter together
11:16:17 From Jonathan Zuck : Thanks everyone!
11:16:27 From Mary Wong : Perfect!
11:17:09 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you!
11:17:20 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : take care all