Zoom chat: 2019-09-25 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement

Zoom chat: 2019-09-25 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement

00:34:54 Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet: Hello all
00:38:56 Marita Moll: sound is very choppy
00:39:49 Marita Moll: do we have real time transcription on this call -- might help
00:40:44 hanan khatib: sound is not good
00:40:45 haroun mahamat cherif: hi
00:41:11 Claudia Ruiz: We do not have RTT available for this call
00:41:50 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: @Marita Moll - not sure, but real time transcripts aren't magic, if transcribers get bad audio/poor sound, they won't be able to generate a reliable transcript
00:42:53 Marita Moll: Yes, @Dev -- I know, I was just hoping it might help a bit
00:43:23 hanan khatib: oki
00:44:01 Glenn McKnight NARALO: You can see his picture and his bio at www.northamericansig.org
00:44:16 Glenn McKnight NARALO: look at the participant profiles down the page
00:44:20 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: not in zoom
00:45:10 vanda scartezini: hi everyone. I am sorry. I hoped I could participate but my meeting here is delaying so much.. apologies have a great emeting
00:45:12 Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet: Thanks
00:45:14 Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet: Glenn
00:46:06 Adam Peake: Apologies, double mute and I only unmuted once
00:46:22 Michelle DeSmyter: John Laprise has sent his apology for today’s meeting
00:47:10 Daniel K. Nanghaka: Thanks Michele
00:48:56 silvia.vivanco: Adam reported that a Digest was sent to community leadership asking for documents you would like to have linked by QR to a website. Adam to send a link to the Website where the documents can be displayed. Adam suggested having a page on a community wiki.
00:51:00 silvia.vivanco: The sign up form will be sent by our colleague Deborah Escalera
00:51:04 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: What's the URL to the website where outreach at IGF will be directed to?
00:52:39 Glenn McKnight NARALO: The page should have a sign up page and followup strategy
00:53:15 silvia.vivanco: Adam suggested to post the RALO brochures on the website
00:54:44 Glenn McKnight NARALO: The key discussion is followup on leads not links to online brochures etc
00:56:33 Adam Peake: Dev, we have just put the page up, testing the layout, how best to use it https://igf2019.sched.com/event/SU90
00:57:11 Adam Peake: Needs thinking about, and the sched application isn’t too flexible.
00:58:12 Adam Peake: Note, draft (for example, my bio, which is taken from my IGF registration, gets in the way and not needed)
00:58:12 Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC: sorry for being late
00:58:22 Michelle DeSmyter: Welcome Ricardo
00:59:17 Glenn McKnight NARALO: This is strange to QR code mapped to SCHED
01:00:05 Glenn McKnight NARALO: I don't see the links to the IGF Villag
01:02:13 Adam Peake: Dev, exactly, it is for Org and Community. As mentioned, we’ve just put this up and now thinking how best to use it.
01:02:41 Adam Peake: Glenn: https://igf2019.sched.com/type/igf+village
01:03:32 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I'm surprised that orgs at IGF booths aren't able to direct their URLs to their websites
01:03:44 Glenn McKnight NARALO: Again, previous calls requested an online tracking and registration of people of interest when they come to the booth. This is not adequate
01:04:26 gisella.gruber: Joint Outreach session on Monday 4 November from 17:00-18:30
01:05:27 Adam Peake: dev, this is what the IGF secretariat have given us to use. From what I understand, they are trying to integrate the booth pages with the overall schedule. Happy to chat further offline, interested in your thoughts
01:05:29 Glenn McKnight NARALO: Question for Olivier
01:06:01 silvia.vivanco: Olivier asked for volunteers to speak at the NCSG and At-Large session at ICANN 66, not to stay the entire 90 mins, just for their speech/talk
01:07:00 Glenn McKnight NARALO: i am back
01:07:08 Glenn McKnight NARALO: question for Olivier
01:07:28 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: @Adam, so to me, the sched page needs to be more focused rather than the typical paragraph of "ICANN's mission is to help....." . The 2nd paragraph in the sched needs to direct persons based on what they self identify eg Are you an ISP ---> link to ISPCP outreach page Are you a govt ---> link to Govt outreach page Are you an end user ----> link to At-Large outreach page
01:07:50 Priyatosh Jana: extremely sorry for the late joining...hi everyone
01:08:36 Glenn McKnight NARALO: thanks Olivier i will followup with you
01:13:40 silvia.vivanco: ATLAS III OC and At-Large staff to schedule the ATLAS III preparatory webinars
01:13:56 silvia.vivanco: AI noted
01:14:18 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: maybe 4-5 webinars before ATLAS III ? Did I hear correctly ?
01:18:54 Glenn McKnight NARALO: Olivier what room has been assigned for the Outreach session?
01:24:04 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: They really covered that already I thought (unless I was dreaming) earlier of IGF information
01:24:47 Glenn McKnight NARALO: I will not be in Berlin. Satish and my session wasn't approved ie. Blockchain . FLying to Kolkata then ISOC board meeting in Singapore then Manila.
01:26:43 Natalia Filina: I will do my best to be there
01:30:27 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: That was Cheryl
01:30:32 Adam Peake: Just to note, At-Large is ahead of the rest of the community, and on some issues ahead of information we have received from the IF secretariat. I will try to keep you up to date as we catch up
01:31:01 Adam Peake: IGF :-)
01:31:11 Glenn McKnight NARALO: I sent a draft flyer to Olivier for feedback
01:31:20 silvia.vivanco: Staff to schedule the next call - after the Montreal meeting
01:31:33 Glenn McKnight NARALO: Isn't a meeting set for Saturday afternoon
01:31:37 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye for now everyone lots to do between now and Montreal
01:31:42 silvia.vivanco: Action items will be posted
01:31:44 Joel Okomoli: Let us know if there are opportunities for members to attend Montreal Meeting kindly
01:32:17 gisella.gruber: @Adam - I will copy you in on all requests and cal invites
01:32:26 silvia.vivanco: Thank you all
01:32:37 siranush.vardanyan: bye all and see you in Montreal
01:32:46 Joel Okomoli: Thanks all
01:32:50 Isaac Maposa: Bye everyone.
01:32:57 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks and bye to all
01:32:57 Glenn McKnight NARALO: bye
01:33:08 Lianna Galstyan: Thanks all
01:33:09 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye
01:33:09 Natalia Filina: thank you all. Bye
01:33:14 Raymond Mamattah: Good night
01:33:15 Aris Ignacio: thanks all!