Monthly Reports Technical Issues Working Group

Monthly Reports Technical Issues Working Group


Past March 2010 and beyond

The WG is searching for a Chair and has therefore been operating without a Chair for 5 years.

However, very few technical consultations actually take place in ICANN. For the most, they are related to the SSAC and the SSAC Liaison briefs this working group. See: SSAC Liaison Reports

But this working group remains open since there are occasional technical issues that arise and need input.

If you are interested in Chairing this working group, please contact staff@atlarge.icann.org


January 2010 to March 2010

Most of the activites are taken outside of the WG itself, because the few active people prefer more responsive environment to disucss actual events. One example of the outside activities is the ENISA Good Practice Guide for Deploying DNSSEC. An other example is Patricks involvment in the IETF.

Only Patrick and Lutz put some topics on the list including the "768bit factorization", the "German study on DNSSEC capabilities of CPEs", and several use cases for DNSSEC including the "Chuck norris botnet" and the speculation on the "hijacking of the í.root-servers.net".

> As a conclution of the current situation, I'd suggest to concentrate on ICANN related issues, i.e. SSAC reports and PDP comments. One question is how to "automatically" get informed about new reports ort PDPs. Manual interaction is error-prone and time consuming. Allocating staff ressources for this task looks expensive and awkward.

In order to encourage active participation, Patrick administrativley urged to list members to stay or unsubscribe. This way the awareness of the existing mailing list is raised significantly.

(Lutz Donnerhacke, Co-Chair)

April 2010

The cooperation of the technical issues WG was asked on the "Inventory of WHOIS service requirements" Initial report to the GNSO council. No input from the WG was received.

(Patrick Vande Walle, Co-Chair)

May 2010

Nothing to report.

(Patrick Vande Walle, Co-Chair)