At-Large at the 2018 IGF - Reports

At-Large at the 2018 IGF - Reports

Nov  12, 13 14Glenn McKnightBooth

The booth duty was shared by

-Sarah, Joanna, Maureen, Olivier, Daniel, Glenn, Tijani, Natalia, Sebastain and Anne Marie

Literature available for  AFRALO, APRALO, EURALO, NARALO

EURALO language flyers in English, French, German and Russian

The booth was very busy in comparison to other booths, due in part by the continuous help at the booth. It was a huge success that we had so may volunteers, In fact we didn't have enough room or chairs to accomodate everyone. Lots of interest and my questions came from mainly Latin American community members. No one from North America approached me at the venue.


Lacralo flyers and ATLARGE Banner and literature stands, Booth Swag


13Glenn McKnight

Blockchain and Humanitarian Case Studies

DC Schools of Internet Governance

This session had six speakers including  Renata, Satish and Walid

We provided an overview on Blockchain.

My session focused on Blockchain for Social Good . Two case studies. One on providing Banking to the  Unbanked in Asia and Blockchain and the power grid

Room was capacity

Provided consultation with a German Government MP on the Unbanked work in Bangkok and provided slideshow ( see attached slideshow)


Each of the schools of IG provided participation in a session with my participation for NASIG

12 NovTijani BEN JEMAA

(WS #407) Digital development & Data Protection in the global south: MENA region as an example

5 speakers including Aziz Hilali & Wafa Ben Hassine. I moderated. Good attendence (Room full, not only the seats, but people were standing around the tables).

Remote participation platform didn't work (I complained to Shangatai). Also, the room was used by another meeting not on the IGF program, and despite my request, people didn't leave the room before the starting time of our WS, so no time for preparing & setting the scene.  

14 NovTijani BEN JEMAA

(WS #186) Local content: a unique opportunity for underserved regions

4 speakers including me. Room too tight (37 seats only). UNESCO staff closed the door and prevented people to enter after the 37 seats were occupied. they said none should be standing around the the seats. Remote participation platform didn't work in this session too.

12-14 NovTijani BEN JEMAAGeneral remarks

Wonderful At-Large team despite the lack of ICANN finding. The big sweet surprise was Natalia: Always present with a camera, very active, very attentive and always smiling. The booth was well placed and well animated. We were the only users of the booth even if it was for us and ISOC Chapters. Glenn as always was the maestro on the booth, together with Olivier, Sebastien, Maureen and Natalia. Again, no flyers from LACRALO and none from LACRALO. No ICANN nor EURALO banner

A special thanks to Sebastien and Anne Marie for the warmness of their welcome and the tasty dinner on a wonderful evening.

Lead Generations

Felipe Bastos felipe.bastos@ymail.com

Charles Cosme charles.cosme@gmail.com

Leandro leandro@pangea.org

Ann Carolina Rodriques rds.anacarolina@gmail.com

12-14Maureen HilyardSpeaking sessions & meetings

ALAC Chair's Corner

  • ( Evin) Please send any ALS & individual member info to Yatanar Htun, Myanmar. (yatanar@mayanmarido.org). I have given her name to Lianna who is going to be visiting Myanmar.
  • (Evin) Contact Reine Mbang Essobmadje (info@ evolvingconsulting.com) about individual membership
12DIPLO Reports

Day One

Summary of Sessions

13Diplo Reports

Day Two

Summary of sessions

12-14 NovFilina Natalia

General remarks

Incredible, interesting and concentrated on the events and emotions IGF in the company of such wonderful people as Olivier, Glenn, Sebastien, Maureen, Tijiani, Aziz! Really wonderful At-Large team!
Olivier, Maureen, Glenn - you were the core of our booth! Your warmest reception for every visitor and positive replaced the lack of banners and some POSm.
Our booth was very conveniently located, became a meeting place for many colleagues from ICANN and ISOC, a place for negotiations.
In the moments of my presence, visitors asked questions about the possibilities of involvement in to discussion and work in ICANN.

Brochures in English were disassembled very quickly. The brochures themselves are a good visual and easy-to-read material.

BUT we need something more. As an option - a barcode for scanning, so that everyone can immediately get to the ALAC website from a mobile phone. And a bright banner, around which people would like to take a photo (If now i have a view how the work is organized at the booth, i will work on this topic and offer something new interesting, within the minimum budgets).

Together with Roberto we also outlined the plan of outreach activities of the Individuals` Association.

The posts on our Facebook page have dramatically increased engagement and the number of views. We will continue to please readers with news, as i suggested - more details about all of you and our works.

Especially thanks to Glenn, a clear organization of the schedule and presence at the booth allowed to be everywhere. I have been on the different panels, and participate in my first workshop as a speaker in the morning of November 14.

I am deeply grateful for the very warm and sincere welcome I received as a newcomer, for the support, your time, colleagues, for the opportunity to discuss the present and future of working with you (Daniel, thank you for the time together and explaintation).
And, of caurse, dinner in Versailles in the hospitable house of Sebastien and Anne-Marie is my special pleasure and joy.
Un grand merci!!!!

Looking forward to see you and be with you together again, hopefully soon!