AC Chat: 2018-02-12 At-Large Technology Task Force Call
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the At-Large Technology Task Force Call on Monday, 12 February 2018 at 15:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Fotjon Kosta:Hello Everyone, this is my first time participating in this At-Large Technology Task Force since i have join this task force i very happy being part of the group and every much motivated to contribute
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Fotjon!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello all, can
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:can't seem to get my mic working today
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:just to confirm noone was hearing me ?
Yesim Nazlar:Hi Dev, no I wasn't able to hear you
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hi Yesim, hearing you, ok will try fixing the mic
Yesim Nazlar:ok, thanks
Yesim Nazlar:please let me know if you need a dial-out
Glenn McKnight, IEEE SIGHT/Smart Villages:yes
Yesim Nazlar:@Glenn: please let me know if you need a dial out
Fotjon Kosta:i will also use the chat today
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Evening!
Glenn McKnight:can you hear me
Dina Solveig Jalkanen::)
Ricardo Holmquist:good day everyone
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone!
Mario Aleman:It's very low audio
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:hearing judith very faintly
judith hellerstein:I will connect on then phone
Satish Babu:Hi all!
ANURAG VIJAY AGRAWAL:A Big Hello to all, it is Anurag Vijay Agrawal from Ved International Siciety India
Satish Babu:Hi Anurag!
Glenn McKnight:i am muted
Glenn McKnight:this stuff should be done prior to the meeting start
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Adobe Disconnect Taskforce :)
Satish Babu::-)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:;-)
judith hellerstein:so sorry about this
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Hello All
Ricardo Holmquist:is the scribe captioning started?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:As a test, I'm doing the YouTube live streaming on this call now : it should be at
Ricardo Holmquist:I am in a iPad and it says unsupported content
Ricardo Holmquist:ty Judith!
Mario Aleman:@Dev, it looks good on the Youtube. Is the audio working OK on the YouTube?
suun:Hello everyone, this is my first time join the At-large Technology Task force... I am new to the mailing list. I look forward to learn more about the taskforce
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Mario - hard for me to check - I'll need another device handy
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Welcome Suun
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:@Ricardo: streaming window in AC is unsupported on iPAD & phones . A known problem. No solution yet
Ricardo Holmquist:thanks Olivier!
judith hellerstein:we have raised it with Sara Caplis adobe connect manager and she raised it with the vendor and there is no solution as of yet since the adobe app uses flash
Glenn McKnight:Why did it take so long to get an update on this issue. We offered to provide feedback and no response
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The link Laura is showing :
Glenn McKnight:At NARALO we are looking for summaries on the Policy issues for the monthly newsletters
Glenn McKnight:Thnks Dev
Glenn McKnight:I will add this to the newsletter section on Policy Statements
Ricardo Holmquist:@Glenn: can we use it?, and translate to spanish?, I mean the Policy summaries
Heidi Ullrich:@All, in response to the Joint ALAC/GAC statement from ICANN 60, Cherine Chalaby's response from the Board encouraged ALAC to be in the vanguard of providing executive statements on their advice statements. These summaries could be used for the newsletters and for the website, as well.
Ricardo Holmquist:ty Heidi!
Glenn McKnight:I have been asking our ALAC members for four months for updates on Policy Statements. Nothing
Glenn McKnight:Metrics ?
Yesim Nazlar:@All: Please state your names before speaking
Daniel K. Nanghaka:This is where the Metric WG has to come to play
Daniel K. Nanghaka:It was one of the WG that was to be rejuvenated in ICANN 60 - is there a feedback or update on this
Glenn McKnight:Metrics Dev
Glenn McKnight:Dev you mean typical Results Based Management analysis Outputs and Outcomes
Heidi Ullrich:@Dev, do you mean the impact of all ALAC policy advice statements? in all Public comments?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Heidi - yes
Heidi Ullrich:does any AC/SO do that/
Laura Bengford:Yes, Glenn that would be a good goal to get metrics.
Heidi Ullrich:that would mean for every ALAC statement, would someone need to look at the Public Comment report or at the policy as implemented?
Satish Babu:I think this issue came up also during the At-Large Review.
judith hellerstein:yes. that is she wants you to do. if we had a database it could get all this info
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Heidi - yes to Satish - this was raised in the At-Large review
Heidi Ullrich:That would be a Policy Impact Tracking Program
Glenn McKnight:sorry
Laura Bengford:Yes Heidi
Carlton Samuels:Howdy all. Was delayed by conversations on another ICANN matter.
Carlton Samuels:Love the RTT!
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:+1 automation
Glenn McKnight:This is the first time i am seeeing this form. We volunteered to provide feedback when BETA but no response.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:that has been around for a while
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:this page has all of the TTF issues and it's been used for many years to resolve problems
Carlton Samuels:Might I ask IF there is active monitoring by the service provider of the platform?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Good question, Carlton
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Yes, we can hear u Dustin
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Adobe Connect issues on Android are known, I understand, and still not fixed. I also had sound issues but might be end user issue, it was the year of linux on the desktop after all :- ), possibility of test session would be nice. + Clear report link on every session would be good as well.
Yesim Nazlar:@All: Please mute your mics when not speaking
Justine Chew:Hi.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Here's an example of the gif :
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:It looks like we are really behind on monthly reports. Newbie question, should we be writing those?
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:If not, then let's rename to "Archive."
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Ack.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Typically its the chair that compiled the reports
Justine Chew:Sorry, having issues with my mic. Will be arranging with Joly a test call using Zoom and send an update/invite via the mail list.
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Chairs Dev and Judith.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:not hearing anyone
Sara Caplis:Hi Dev, Your screen was shared and now unshared
Carlton Samuels:Hearing you so go on
Silvia Vivanco:We hear you
Silvia Vivanco:ok Dev
Glenn McKnight:k
Silvia Vivanco:I cannot see the screen
Carlton Samuels:I have a screen but it ios a rock formation
Silvia Vivanco:now is charging
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Did I understand it right, the Tool is a Google Documents spreadsheet?
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Right.
Laura Bengford:Dev, we are looking at adding text or another empty link to help you with this. Corinna will get back to you on this.
Heidi Ullrich:@Dev, what is the other HTTPs? Is it from the previous wiki?
Daniel K. Nanghaka:The tool can be embedded and is great for analytical purposes
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Dina yes
Laura Bengford:@Heidi, the issue is when there is not a website or Wiki, it appears blank. This makes it more difficult for Dev to pull the info from the website.
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Dev, would it be ICANN "to consolidate this into proper subject database" - or us?
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Also Metrics can copy or implement a similar tool
Glenn McKnight:Excellent job Dev
Glenn McKnight:When is staff taking them over?
Glenn McKnight:Judith I have a question again on when Staff is taking over this tool
Carlton Samuels:Excellent work Dev!
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, we don't have an answer to that at the moment
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Laura - here's the proposal :
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:which goes into detail as to what's needed
Carlton Samuels:@Glenn: As you know, my advice to Dev was send ICANN a bill! Too much freebie in this area is bad for business. Why should Jones Day take the gold mine and Dev get the shaft?
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Glenn, valid point - is there practical ideas on how to move forward with handing the tool over?
Glenn McKnight:No Mario. They take it over
Mario Aleman:Thanks, Glenn. No problem
Heidi Ullrich:@All, please keep in mind that there will need to be a prioritization of community requests going forward.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Heidi - hopefully the proposal will explain the issue :
Glenn McKnight:Its not priority its a matter of recognization
Heidi Ullrich:Simply making a request does not mean that it will automatically be implemented.
Glenn McKnight:yes, but ignored again and again isn't acceptable either
Heidi Ullrich:I don't believe it is being ignored. It is not knowing a definitive response.
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:I have time to help with (any) TTF issue before ICANN61, is there any specific issue that can use help?
Carlton Samuels:I took limited bandwidth as my option but my option not there. I want RTT to work just like its does in teh ICANN meeting. Reduce a
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:"None of the above" option was missing from the previous question :)
Carlton Samuels:languages to English expression and
Carlton Samuels:Some text not seen in that poll
judith hellerstein:I can see all the questions n my iPad
Silvia Vivanco:the survey will be sent by email as well
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Dina - confirm with Judith - I suspect the group chat is one issue
Carlton Samuels:I'm on Windows 10 and not seeing all the text
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Again, "none of the above" was missing which is different than blank.
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Dev, do I remember right - you are also in UASG?
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Will do.
Heidi Ullrich:RTT - not captioning :)
Heidi Ullrich:Real Time Transcription (RTT)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Dina - no, not on UASG - but obviously I support the work that's needed
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:ack
Carlton Samuels:Bye all
Heidi Ullrich:It is because At-Large have been educated by Language Services :)
Heidi Ullrich:MSSI also uses RTT
Silvia Vivanco:RTT is the appropriate term as we are told by Language Services
Heidi Ullrich:yes, because they haven't been informed of the differences ;)
Silvia Vivanco:Captioning is for movies, tv shows etc
Heidi Ullrich:I'll ask that LS inform MSSI, too
Ricardo Holmquist:bye all, ty Judith & Dev
Heidi Ullrich:not according to Language Services
Satish Babu:Thanks and bye!
Heidi Ullrich:thanks, All!
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Thanks!
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Thanks Bye
Sara Caplis:Thank you.
Fred Kwadwo Aazore:thanks bye!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone - take care all
Silvia Vivanco:Bye all
Fotjon Kosta:bye bye to all
Fotjon Kosta:thank you so much
Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Dev and Judith, please give me an item to work on. o/