CROPP RT Monthly Reports

CROPP RT Monthly Reports

This workspace will contain the monthly reports of the At-Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program Review Team (CROPP RT).

August 2016

Held two calls on the 2nd August https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/E8nvBQ and 5th August  https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/rcjvBQ to clarify the procedure for At-Large to apply for CROPP.

September 2015

Several trip assessments by travellers have not been completed. CROPP RT members are working to get travellers to commit their status reports.

August 2015

The CROPP RT reviewed an CROPP application from APRALO. The new ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement has appointed new members for the CROPP RT on its 2015-08-17 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement call. 

July 2015

The CROPP FY15 program has ended. At the ICANN53 meeting, the chair meet informally with the ICANN CROPP Team for possible improvements to the CROPP process.

The CROPP RT is to be reconstituted with a member from the new ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement. One urgent item is for the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement to assist with developing a At-Large Strategy for all RALOs for submission to regional Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) for approval. If approval is not done before September 10 30 2015, then At-Large will not receive CROPP funding.

May 2015

Several CROPP proposals were received from LACRALO members and LACRALO picked 3 for submission to CROPP which were approved by the CROPP RT ; See LACRALO Official for links to these proposals

Le Marie Thompson completed on May 21-June 2  the final NARALO  trip to  the IHTC Conference in Ottawa.  This is the IEEE Region 7 meetings Pictures of the event  at 

March-April 2015

Proposal from LACRALO for 2 travellers to Cuba for FELTI was submitted and approved. See At-Large RALOs for the final approved proposal

Proposal from EURALO for 5 travellers to Bulgaria for EuroDIG was submitted to the CROPP RT and approved. See At-Large RALO CROPP Status Report for links to the draft

Held meeting on At-Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program Review Team (CROPP RT) 2015-04-22 to discuss possibility of using CROPP for travellers to attend ICANN F2F meetings. This was approved and a text to go out to LACRALO in order for persons from LACRALO to apply before May 10 2015.


January 2015

The two proposals from NARALO (#5 and #6) submitted to CROPP RT were approved by CROPP RT and regional VPs and filed. See At-Large RALOs for these proposals

An proposal from APRALO was submitted to the CROPP RT for review and was approved by the CROPP RT in 24 hours due to the 6 week deadline for submissions. See At-Large RALOs for this proposal

December 2014

NARALO Proposal #3 and #4 were approved by the CROPP RT. However NARALO Proposal #3 was disapproved by ICANN's CROPP Team due the submission being received less than 6 weeks before the scheduled travel was to take place (Jan 6 2015).

Two proposals from NARALO (#5 and #6) were submitted to CROPP RT for review. . See At-Large RALO CROPP Status Report for links to the draft.


November 2014

Two proposals from NARALO (#1 and #2) were approved. See CROPP FY15 page 

Two proposals from NARALO (#3 and #4) were submitted to CROPP RT for review. See At-Large RALO CROPP Status Report for links to the draft.

October 2014

CROPP RT had a session during the ICANN 51 meeting in LA.

Recording, Transcript of the LA session : http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/wed-atlarge-cropp

Presentation given during the LA session: At-Large-CROPP-15-Oct-2014.pdf

September 2014

The CROPP RT is reviewing Trip Proposal from AFRALO

August 2014

On the CROPP call 2014-08-20 , we reviewed the new CROPP process for FY15. 

June 2014

Presented report at ICANN London meeting: CROPP RT London 2014 Report.pdf