AC Chat: 2017-05-08 At-Large Technology Task Force Call
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the At-Large Technology Task Force Call on Monday, 08 May 2017 at 15:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Laura Bengford:Hello everyone!
judith hellerstein:Hi All
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, Welcome!
judith hellerstein:Welcome Heidi
judith hellerstein:Thanks Satish for joining
Satish Babu:The Adigo list of numbers is (again) not showing a local number in India. Can I pls ask for a dial-out to +91 94470 27274? Thanks!
judith hellerstein:Can you unsynch the agenda
judith hellerstein:@yesim did you see Satish's request
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Yesim Nazlar:@Satish: dialing out to you now
Satish Babu:Thanks @Yesim.
Yesim Nazlar:sure!
Yesim Nazlar:John Laprise has joined us - welcome John!
judith hellerstein:Great!!
Laura Bengford:Good news!
Heidi Ullrich:@Dev, has LACRALO been informed of these changes?
Heidi Ullrich:Are they fully aware of the changes?
judith hellerstein:@Heidi yes the LACRALO leadership all said yes
judith hellerstein:@maritza also
Heidi Ullrich:@Judith, informing the leadership is different than all of LACRALO. Have the leadership informed LaCRALO?
Heidi Ullrich:It might be useful to have an email sent - perhaps by the TTF/LACRALO leaderhship. This would be a useful update and keep everyone in the loop.
Laura Bengford:Yes, maybe some on the EN list may want to take the transbot for a spin?
judith hellerstein:Mark is not on the call
judith hellerstein:I have heard that it has happened on the NCUC calls
Justine Chew:Don't know about At-Large but I've not had any problems with GNSO WG calls
judith hellerstein:Josh had said they were having problems with the vendor
Ariel Liang:same problem no update from IT
Ariel Liang:have followed up a number of times but they didn't have a solution
Yesim Nazlar:Harole Arcos has joined us - welcome Harold!
judith hellerstein:i am still waiting for it to load
Harold Arcos:Thanks Yesim, apologies for late connection.
Glenn McKnight:Hi Harold
Yesim Nazlar:@Harold: np at all - please let me know if you need a dial out
judith hellerstein:I had to reload as I lost what was being shared on the screen
judith hellerstein:and lost chat capability
judith hellerstein:@harold are you on the Spanish Channel or the English one
Harold Arcos:Master @Glenn
Harold Arcos:on English @Judith, I have unstable signal on my cellphone
Glenn McKnight:@Laura will you have a chance to demo the project in Joberg?
Yesim Nazlar:@Harold: noted, thanks - no dial-out to you this time
Laura Bengford:great idea Olivier, a web or WIKI page would be good.
Justine Chew:I was just about to ask who might SMEs for this project...
Glenn McKnight:Glenn McKnight: @Laura will you have a chance to demo the project in Joberg?
Justine Chew:SME = subject matter experts
Laura Bengford:@Glenn, I'll check but I think yes there will be something to demo
Glenn McKnight:Will we have a TTF Meeting in Joberg?
Glenn McKnight:If not the SME's can meet together for an informal meeting
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:why a conference call for Joburg?
judith hellerstein:Great!! Look forward to it
Glenn McKnight:no Olivier I didn't say conference call
judith hellerstein:@yesim what is that
Satish Babu:What's that...?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:get Adigo to mute it
Yesim Nazlar:Dev please stop speaking
Glenn McKnight:its Star wars. DEV I AM YOUR FATHER
Yesim Nazlar:can't hear anything
Justine Chew:Alien trying to tell us something?
Satish Babu::-)
Satish Babu:No
John P Laprise:no noise
Ariel Liang:thanks all! I'm dropping off now. just want to hear the discussion about the FY18 special request related to the website
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:take care ariel
Ariel Liang:I'm sure I will be working with the team on this
Ariel Liang:thanks Dev
Glenn McKnight:AOB later the Copenhagen Magazine
Glenn McKnight:As a Ebook we could track the downloads. No idea how many people downloaded the PDF
Satish Babu:@Glenn, does this require a sign-up account?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:state your names when you speak as the transcript of todaty's call is going to look terrible.
judith hellerstein:Also reconfirm the members on the group
Glenn McKnight:Who is on the Captioning team?
judith hellerstein:That is fine with me. She is talking about the old committee who worked on the original pilot
Glenn McKnight:@satish , no need to sign up for the PDF.
Satish Babu:Thanks @Glenn.
Glenn McKnight:Asked if we do one for JOBERB with Lucid Press again
Justine Chew:Yup, house keeping to be done before throwing open house invites.
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Carlton!
Carlton Samuels:Howdy do everybody
judith hellerstein:Since we first looked at these systems many have been improved so we need to refocus on them and see whehter the flaws we found were fixed
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: has the proposed structure of the report - its not seen in the printout shown in Adobe Connect
Glenn McKnight:We did a survey on web conference feedback a few months ago
Glenn McKnight:also on Mobile apps
Glenn McKnight:We created a page of conference tools
Glenn McKnight:but it needed updating
Glenn McKnight:some of them was missing practical assessment from end users
Justine Chew:@Glen, Yeah, what was the outcome of that survey?
judith hellerstein:@Glenn Exactly
judith hellerstein:Also we demoed Meetecho and that was great
Glenn McKnight:@Justine very good feedback on the mobile solutions
Glenn McKnight:I need to look for it
Justine Chew:I can help
Carlton Samuels:Let me ask a general question. DO y'all think all this detailed work is valued by ICANN? In the EMM model that is being proposed this is the kinda work that goes for $150/hour, minimum!
Glenn McKnight:@Carelon we need to ask the obvious question if ITEMS proceeds do we have a future as a working group since they deemed the WG as redundant
Satish Babu:@judith, I can help out as well.
judith hellerstein:Thanks Satish
judith hellerstein:@staff can you write down Justine and Satish to our list
Mario Aleman:Sure, I can to coordinate. Noted, Dev.
judith hellerstein:Thanks @mario
Mario Aleman:You are welcome, Judith
Justine Chew:@Dev, what sort of load / user numbers can that free version support?
judith hellerstein:Would love to be able to do this
judith hellerstein:I thought it was limited to 100 users
Glenn McKnight:I need to go to the Leadership call soon. I posted the Magazine idea that grew out of the one page newsletter. Asking if we want to do one for Joberg?
judith hellerstein:@dustin can you help us with this
Dustin Phillips:Yes, I am happy to join this effort
judith hellerstein:@mario- Dustin has volunteered for this
Glenn McKnight:got to go, will catch up on my request
Glenn McKnight:no dev it was multiple pages
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Glenn McKnight:Bye
Glenn McKnight:got to go
3535 English:Hello
Gordon:Apologies, need to go. Bye for now.
Justine Chew:That's fine. Till next time.
3535 English:thank you
3535 English:bye