Outreach Activities at ICANN56
There are two outreach activities for ICANN56.
- Monday sessions with Nextgen and Fellows
- Tuesday evening social meet and greet
On previous O&E calls, given that ICANN56 will begin the day after summer begins, many institutions/organisations as well as persons would be holidaying and thus any public outreach event such as a visit to a university (as was done for ICANN55 in Marrakech) would not be successful.
Two sessions are available to the ALAC for outreach purposes on Monday - Monday 10:45 to 12 noon and 1330 to 1500 local time. The current idea is to have the Monday session for meeting the Nextgen attendees and the afternoon session with the Fellows.
Final pres
Monday 10:45 - 12:00 session (75 mins)
Suggested Targeted audience : 20 Nextgen persons https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2016-04-29-en ; Google Presentation : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pBfehxmMxpMCL2qSjUCM-hCE8cLUT_Y2VDfUQBI8WWQ/edit?usp=sharing ;
Final presentation :
Notes/Suggestions from OE call on 16/6/2016 : Keep slides simple - use slides as backdrops to present idea/concepts
Suggested agenda
Welcome (5 mins)
Introduction to At-Large (25 mins)
What is At-Large Community
What are the RALOs (thinking regional OE members can give a summary of each RALO)
North America
Canada, USA, and US Territories
Operates in English, French and Spanish
MOU with the RIR ARIN
General Assembly in New Orleans planned for April 2017
Outreach to First Nations and Persons with Disabilities
Asia Pacific
MOUs with APTLD, APNIC, DotAsia
APRALO Mentorship Program 2017
Regional Diversity
Capacity building
Partnership with APAC Hub
Latin America and Caribbean
What is the ALAC
Some of the key work being done by At-Large/ALAC (15 mins)
IANA Transition
CCWG Accountability
gTLD Subsequent Procedures
Why At-Large - how to engage with At-Large (10 mins)
- Meetings are open ; recordings are available
Access to interesting members involved with end-user concerns in your country or area of interest
- Help tweet for At-Large Social Media
- Meetings are open ; recordings are available
Q&A (20 mins)
Monday 13:30 - 15:00 session
Suggested Target Audience: about 5 out of 35 Fellows https://www.icann.org/fellowshipprogram ; Google Presentations link : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XJdgijXoAPsNluUZ-PRciu9ToLAamw9TxiZyySDGKKw/edit?usp=sharing
Suggested draft agenda
- Welcome (Introduction of Fellows)
At-Large work
Policy Advice - what has ALAC has given advice on
Working Groups -
RALO monthly calls
ICANN Multi-stakeholder ecosystem map
How to engage in At-Large activities?
How to follow and participate in At-Large activities
What are the benefits of joining
Part of a community of interest
Concerned about the end-user Internet experience
Global Network
Examples of Fellows and At-Large - Maureen, Siranush, Fatima, Carlton, J. Morris, Satish Babu, Judith, Leon, Beran, Tijani, Ali