ATLAS II Survey 2013.10.29 AC Chat
Nathalie Peregrine: Welcome to the ATLAS II Survey WG call on Tuesday 29th October 2013 at 2000 UTC
Nathalie Peregrine: Agenda page:
Eduardo Diaz: ¡Hola a Todos!
Heidi Ullrich: Hi All
Wolf Ludwig: The response result looks good here -- one missing besides the usual 4 dead ducks.
Eduardo Diaz: Did we start the meeting?
Jordi Iparraguirre: apologies , just put children to bed
Wolf Ludwig: Good point, Cheryl -- same here!
Eduardo Diaz: I emailed evryone in AFRALO. Some responded by filling up the survey.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Same with LACRALO.
Eduardo Diaz: Also I did with NARALO
Heidi Ullrich: thanks, Matt!!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I believe APRALO only have perhaps 3 or so to go...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Heidi can the results page be displayed via share screen???
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: links out of chat do not work out of mobile app
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: with all of the demographic data of all ALSes on this survey, I believe this is not for publication
Heidi Ullrich: @Cheryl, I believe Nathalie is trying to post it
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I was going to suggest a brief review of the results
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Re: 2.2 "Would your ALS attend the Summit" 133 said Yes, 4 said No
Eduardo Diaz: Do anybody know the % survey of participation in ATLAS I?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Interesting re: working languages Q1.4 ; 63 said English ; 40 has no second working language ; 12 French ; 10 Spanish ; 4 Arabic ; 4 Chinese ; 4 Russian
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: slightly lower than this I believe but we had I think we can calculate from number ALSesbattending if Matt can pin point total number of ALSes in March 2009 easily enough
Heidi Ullrich: 81 percent for this survey
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (sigh take back that comment - that's the secondary language result)
Eduardo Diaz: HArd to understand
Heidi Ullrich: There are many people who would like to be involved in the participation !
Siranush Vardanyan: was following the discussion via phone, just joined adobe space as my internet was down
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: indeed Dev
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: one the poll closes it should be available from BP
Carlos Reyes: Timeline:
Matt Ashtiani: i am not sure what is going on with my phone.
Matt Ashtiani: i was saying that i cna provide the information in an excel spreadsheet, that is not a problem
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and also to give you a few hours Matt...
Matt Ashtiani: apolgies, everyone, i seem to have a severe delay in my connectivity
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I alsoseeNO NEED for the spreadsheet UNTIL after
Matt Ashtiani: thanks, CLO
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: poll closes
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: As an example how the spreadsheet data from Bigpulse can be dissected, here's the spreadsheet from the At-Large Structure Survey in 2010 :
Eduardo Diaz: @Dev: I could not see anything
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Dev skype me that link no links via mobile app work
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Try this link :
Eduardo Diaz: @dev: better!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: First one didn't work as it was for owners
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: 2nd one should work which is open to the public viewing
Siranush Vardanyan: sounds great plan, Wolf
Heidi Ullrich: All, based on this timeline, is there a need for a call of the Event SG prior to BA?
Heidi Ullrich: Olivier, Eduardo?
Eduardo Diaz: Probably not but I will deferr that to Tijany
Siranush Vardanyan: my line was dropped, but I guess the call is coming to the end?
Siranush Vardanyan: if not, please, dial me out again
Nathalie Peregrine: Siranush, we're diallling out to you
Siranush Vardanyan: thanks
Siranush Vardanyan: i think it keep authomaticallt one hour and then drop :)
Heidi Ullrich: Tijani, should the Event SG hold its first call AFTER BA?
Siranush Vardanyan: i am back
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I can assist with the spreadsheet preparation
Heidi Ullrich: before BA - not in BA
Heidi Ullrich: not space in BA ;)
Heidi Ullrich: What about a call of the PR group?
Heidi Ullrich: those were the two calls being scheduled before BA
Heidi Ullrich: or can PR be discussed in BA?
Eduardo Diaz: @Heidi: maybe the Events SG call this week should be cancelled then.
Heidi Ullrich: ok
Eduardo Diaz: @Heidi:
Heidi Ullrich: Keep in mind many of you will be leaving for BA on the 11th...
Eduardo Diaz: I am not sure about the PR call but we can use that on ideas
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: PR group is not quite critical to the process
Eduardo Diaz: to generate ideas
Eduardo Diaz: I agree with Olivier. Is not critical at this time
Heidi Ullrich: ok
Heidi Ullrich: A webpage and postcard are already up:
Heidi Ullrich: but we need your ideas for the website ;)
Eduardo Diaz: It will good to meet some of the ICANN staff that will be involved in the PR efforts
Heidi Ullrich: I can invite Sally and Duncan
Eduardo Diaz: duncan icann
Eduardo Diaz: good
Nathalie Peregrine: Yes Cheryl
Heidi Ullrich: There are three times the ATLAS II will be talkign:
Heidi Ullrich: in BA
Heidi Ullrich: Sunday afternoon
Heidi Ullrich: Wednesday, 20 November 2013Joint ATLAS II, Capacity Building WG and Regional Secretariats MeetingTime: 11:00-13:00Meeting Room: Golden Horn
Heidi Ullrich: Wednesday, 20 November 2013Joint ATLAS II OC, Capacity Building WG, Academy WG and Regional Secretariat MeetingTime: 16:00-17:00Meeting Room: Golden Horn
Heidi Ullrich: I believe the ALAC room is large enough for some break-out groups...
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: excellent
Siranush Vardanyan: thanks and bye all
Jordi Iparraguirre: thanks, project well directed
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: thanks, take care all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: bye all.
Wolf Ludwig: Thanks to all and good night!