Technology Taskforce WG 2012-08-20 Summary minutes

Technology Taskforce WG 2012-08-20 Summary minutes

Summary Minutes and Action Items
20 August 2012

Attendance  : Dev Anand Teelucksingh (DAT), Sivasubramanian Muthusamy (SM),  Yaovi Aothoun (YA), Juan Manuel Rojas (RMR), Jose Arce (JA), Yaovi Atohoun (YA), Nirmol Agarwal (NA), Olivier Crépin Leblond (OCL),  Gordon Chillcott ( GC),
Apologies: Avri Doria, Titi Akinsamni,
Staff:  Heidi Ullrich (HU) Silvia Vivanco (SV), Matt Ashtiani (MA),  Nathalie Peregrine (NP)

1) Review of Agenda (2 mins)
Agenda was reviewed.

2) Roll Call  (2 mins)
Roll call was held.

3) Review of Action Items from At-Large Technology Taskforce WG 2012-07-23 Action Items
Action items were reviewed and updated as necessary.

4) Review of the At-Large Social Media Strategy - (15 mins)
DAT: One of the suggestions was to disseminate the information of the interviews in multiple languages, how social media facilitates participation, etc.
DAT: We could look at translations so it would be more effective on all of the lists.
YA: When messages are sent to the mailing lists, is this information only for ALAC Members?
OCL: ALAC-Announce is open to all. ALAC Internal is not.
HU: ALAC-Announce is the list that staff uses to announce calls for comments, votes, vote results, etc
DAT: There is a translation tool on the wiki which can translate the info into almost any language.
JR: In the last call, we spoke about translation tools. Are we going to talk about how to use them?

5) How to implement the At-Large Social Media Strategy (10 mins)
DAT: We can use poterous, buffer, and ifttt - https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/jvDuBQ
DAT: Posterous has an advantage that you have update it by email, which would be a simple task. We can have it so alac announce is automatically posted to facebook, twitter, and our blog. The downside is that posterous was acquired by twitter and it is not clear what they intend to do with posterous.
DAT: IFTTT can also be used to duplicate posterous if need be. We can use this as a backup to disseminate information.
GC: I agree with implementing posterous. IFTTT is interesting but how will it be administered?
DAT: It is a very complex tool. But it is accessable.
AI: Staff to work with Dev to see if we can set up a posterous account. We will see if we can create it, if so we will create it, and then link it to the At-Large's social media.

6) Updating the At-Large Technology Workspace (5 mins)
No update was given

7) Re-org of the At-Large wiki (15 mins)
DAT: I wanted to document our idea for organzing the wiki. Perhaps we should have links for the topics.
DAT: Once we have this, we can label the pages. This would be one way of organizing the wiki.
GC: I did some thinking about this topic regarding organization. We tried the tagging approach and its success was limited as we did not have the tagged terms defined from the beginning. The solution has turned out to be a product that is great for searching.

8) Update on At-Large Website Redesign and LACRALO machine translation email issues (5 mins)
HU: We have had a meeting with Marc Salveterra who will be leading this from the tech side. Matt and I reviewed the varous interviews with the At-Large members. Some of the issues are improved information architecture,, search, accessibility, etc. Matt and I will be holding a call with Olivier and Dev later this week to mark the priorities and we will then follow up with Marc.
DAT: The machine list translation issues are still in progress. I am trying to find a tool that may ease out troubles in this effort.

9) AOB (5 mins)
There was no other business.