Technology Taskforce WG 29-05-2012 Summary Minutes
Summary Minutes and Action Items
29 May 2012
Attendance: Gordon Chillcott (GS), Dev Anand Teelucksingh (DAT), Sivasubramanian Muthusamy (SM), Jose Arce (JA), Titi Akinsamni (TA), Fouad Bajwa (FB), Olivier Crépin Leblond (OCL), Wilson Abigaba (WA), Bill Thanis (BT)
Apologies: Juan Manuel Rojas (JR)
Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU), Matt Ashtiani (MA), Nathalie Peregrine (NP)
1) Welcome & Attendance (2 mins)
2) Introduction of the TTF (5 mins)
DAT: The TTF's creation was recommended by the Improvements Project. There were two main roles that the Improvements Project assigned to the TTF: disseminate tools and provide training.
3) Development of an At-Large Social Media Strategy - (15 mins)
GC: I believe we also need to ensure that when we are developing a social media strategy that we take into account any constraints of our plans.
DAT: I think we should tray to at least make sure that the social media strategy’s key goals are defined. Once this has been completed we can determine the best plan of implementation for this plan.
DAT: Due to the diversity of At-Large, each person in the TTF may have his or her own experience in terms of what works and what does not work. As such, we can draw on these experiences when developing our key goals.
GC: This testing and verification is one of the ambitions of our ALS.
MA: We have two main forms of SM: FB and Twitter. For the past year, I've been working with Dev and staff on developing outreach. We have increased our outreach in FB by 1000% and on Twitter we have 400 followers.
OCL: How much is being sent over to the Twitter feed?
MA: Most recently it has been quite active mostly due to the TAS updates. But we haven't been sending out that much as we don't yet have a strategy.
OCL: Yes, I was aiming for at. We need time to develop a strategy. But obviously any statement needs to be sent out. Is this TTF going to be developing a strategy or just looking at the tools?
DAT: Both. We need to look at what we want the SM for and then how to implement it. One of the results of the ALS survey was that most ALSes meet about once a month. So if you think about the 21 day comment period, this has proven to be quite useful. Having the information shared can be done more quickly.
DAT: At-Large must broadcast the information (policy statements, announcements, etc). often.
GC: I believe tweeting and FBing would make communication more effective.
OCL: LinkedIn is actually more popular for professional reasons.
HU: In an informal survey in Dakar among ALAC members and At-Large officers, more people in the room used LinkedIn than FB or Twitter.
DAT: Perhaps we should limit the amount of SM sites that we are using. For example, FB, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
AI: Staff to send the information below to the FFF Mailing List. Once all members agree, we are to proceed.
Other forms of SM:
Next Steps:
1. All Announcements are also sent out to FB, Twitter, and LinkedIn
2. Determine the best way to automate this process.
4) Updating At-Large Technology Workspace (15 mins)
DAT: We should work to remove jargon on this page and use simple English to define these tools and how they can be used.
DAT: Are there any thoughts on these workspaces? Are there any volunteers who wish to help develop this page?
DAT: I will ask for volunteer to help develop the information on this workspace. We need volunteers to help develop the content and information under the various sections.
DAT: We will need to document all of the information in the first instance. There is:
Web Conferencing
Calendar Use
Instant Messaging
I believe we need to look at these three firstly as they are the most basic of tools and most widely used of the tools.
5) Redesign of the At-Large website (10 mins) At-Large Website -
DAT: The redesign of the main ICANN webpage was implemented earlier this year. We now need an effort to redesign the website.
OCL: Basically, we have asked for volunteers from all of the different regions
HU: We currently have 12 volunteers from the various RALOs. I should also mention that the updating of the At-Large website is also included within the updating of the ICANN Website. Matt Ashtiani and Marc Salvatierra from the communications team will be working together to update the website.
DAT: I have to agree with Olivier regarding the out to date status and confusing nature of the website.
OCL: While this redevelopment will take some time, it is needed and I anticipate the new platform.
SM: At Large website is populated with links to statement in front page, when we work on a new web design, we might think of summarized posts of issues in question, as a part of which the links to statements / draft statements could appear. This would ensure that the At Large website makes sense for the average visitor.
HU: We thought the TTF would play a key role in the redevelopment of the At-Large website (format, look, translation, etc.). We had hoped that the TTF would, in a way, be the community liaison for this effort.
OCL: The TTF is probably the closest in being able to follow up on the redesign of the website.
DAT: Agreed. Once the redevelopment team has the information and can present the information, we can comment/review on this change.
6) AOB (5 mins)
DAT: Are there any suggestions in what the TTF should be doing?
TA: We should explore the integration of the technologies we are using. This will make it easier to have a one stop shop, which will make things for efficient and useful.
DAT: I would also like to discuss the machine translation of emails.
HU: David Closson has noted that it would be helpful to:
1. Have users write simple sentences and short messages.
2. Write a small, easy to access guide on translation tools
7) Next meeting (5 mins)
DAT: We will probably need to have more meetings once the redevelopment of the website takes off.