Summary Minutes 11 February 2009 WG5

Summary Minutes 11 February 2009 WG5

Intermediate brain dump from Lutz Donnerhacke

Staff, please replace this text with a real protocol.

  • Several people attend the meeting, incl. the co-chairs Patrick and Lutz
  • Interrim role assignment: Lutz for chair and Patrick for rapporteur. No candidates for vice-chair.
  • This wiki is primary work group tool. Mailinglist should be used for digest annoucements. Adobe room is primary for remote participartion on the Summit itself.
  • Patrick has somebody to have the initial talk on the saturday event. The presetation needs to be brushed up to the current state.
  • The saturday event should provide inital and background information to the ALS members.
  • On the sunday event, the policy proposal needs to be finialized.
  • Fast Flux and DNSSEC are the main issues.
  • Lutz offered to start with some pages in the wiki till end of the week.