TMCH Individual Proposals #4 & #5
TMCH Individual Proposal #4 (1 of 2 proposals concerning geographical indications) 1. Geographical Indicators (GIs) may not be registered in the TMCH Database used for Sunrise or Trademark Claims under the theory that they are marks protected by statute/treaty. If they are not also eligible for the TMCH Database as trademarks, any GIs presently in the TMCH Database should be removed. 2. “Other marks that constitute intellectual property” are not eligible for Sunrise or Trademark Claims. If and when the TMCH provider adds ancillary databases covering “other marks,” it should revise its public-facing materials to make this distinction clear. 3. Proposals for amended language in the Applicant Guidebook (new language in bold): “3.2.3 Any word marks protected by a statute or treaty in effect at the time the mark is submitted to the Clearinghouse for inclusion.” This language should be amended to read “3.2.3 Any word mark protected by a statute or treaty in effect at the time the mark is submitted to the Clearinghouse for inclusion; the word mark protected by statute or treaty must be a trademark.” An explanatory footnote to 3 should be added: The Clearinghouse is for word marks that are trademarks. “Trademarks” here includes trademarks, service marks, collective marks, and certification marks. Geographic indications (that are not also protected as trademarks) are not trademarks. "3.2.4 other marks that constitute intellectual property" should be amended: Marks not eligible for inclusion in the Trademark Clearinghouse: Other marks or identifiers that constitute intellectual property may not be used for the purposes of Sunrise or Claims under the existing RPMs, as set forth in Section 7. Such marks or identifiers may be collected to support the services any given registry operator chooses to provide, solely for the purpose of providing ancillary services as set forth in Section 3.6. 3.5 should be amended for consistency with the revisions to 3.2.3. Finally, 3.6 should itself be amended to clarify: “Data supporting entry into databases that are separate from the Clearinghouse and used to provide ancillary services of marks that constitute intellectual property of types other than those set forth in sections 3.2.1-3.2.3 above shall be determined by the registry operator and the Clearinghouse, or other provider chosen by the registry operator, based on the services any given registry operator chooses to provide, consistent with 4.1.” For reference: Current 4.1: …There shall be no bar on the Trademark Clearinghouse Service Provider or other third party service providers providing ancillary services on a non-exclusive basis. | TMCH Individual Proposal #5 (2 of 2 proposals concerning geographical indications) 1.0 The main database function of the TMCH is for trademarks, specifically: trademarks registered at the national or regional level; trademarks protected under common law which are confirmed by court decision(s); and trademarks protected under national or international laws by Statute or Treaty. 1.1 The main database function of the TMCH shall be solely used for supporting the Mandatory RPMs, including TM Claims and Sunrise. 1.2 The TM Claims and Sunrise mechanisms are mandatory RPMs for the protection of trademarks; other signs or source identifiers, such as "Geographical Indications" or "Appellations of Origin" shall not be eligible for protection in the mandatory Sunrise or Claims periods, unless such "Geographical Indications or Appellations of Origin" are also independently registered as trademarks. 1.3 Section 3.2.3 of the Applicant Guidebook should be amended as follows (new language in bold): "3.2.3 Any word mark protected by a statute or treaty in effect at the time the mark is submitted to the Clearinghouse for inclusion, and which is identified within the Statute or Treaty as a mark that functions as a trademark/source-identifier." 2.0 The TMCH Service Provider may provide Ancillary Services, including the creation of Ancillary Database(s), as long as those services and any data used for those services are kept separate from the main Clearinghouse database. 2.1 Ancillary Services may be used to support Voluntary RPMs, including the Limited Registration Period, and/or other mechanisms that may be designed by the Registry Operator at the sole discretion of the Registry Operator, and as permissible under the terms of the New gTLD Registry Agreement. 2.2 Ancillary Services, and Ancillary Database(s), may be used for the recordation of trademarks, Geographical Indications, Appellations of Origins, or other identifiers, at the discretion of the Registry Operator and TMCH Provider, or other Provider(s), and as permissible under the terms of the New gTLD Registry Agreement. There is no prohibition on multiple Registries using the same database for Ancillary Services. 2.3 Data supporting entry into databases that are separate from the Clearinghouse and used to provide Ancillary Services of marks that constitute intellectual property of types other than those set forth in sections 3.2.1-3.2.3 of the Applicant Guidebook above shall be determined by the Registry Operator and the TMCH Service Operator, or other Provider(s) chosen by the Registry Operator, based on the services any given Registry Operator chooses to provide. There is no prohibition on multiple Registries using the same database for ancillary services. |
Rationale provided by the Proponent of TMCH Individual Proposal #4:
- The TMCH Database is for trademarks: those that are registered as trademarks, confirmed by court decision as trademarks, or protected by statute or treaty that specifies the trademarks covered. Sunrise and TM Claims are for the protection of trademarks only. Geographical Indications/Appellations of Origin (“GIs”) are not eligible for protection in the mandatory Sunrise or Claims periods, save where they also qualify as trademarks.
- Non-trademarks or other identifiers can be the subject of ancillary databases that may be voluntarily used by registries to provide additional services other than the Sunrise and Trademark Claims mandated under the existing RPMs Requirements. Other ancillary service providers may compete to provide these services.
Rationale provided by the Proponent of TMCH Individual Proposal #5:
The main database function of the TMCH is for trademarks, specifically: trademarks registered at the national or regional level; trademarks protected under common law which are confirmed by court decision(s); and trademarks protected under national or international laws by Statute or Treaty.
Working Group Deliberations on both Proposals: In March 2017 at ICANN58, Deloitte (the TMCH Validation Service Provider) provided the following information to the Working Group on how it handles this category of marks:
- “Marks protected by statute or treaty” is a separate category of marks within the TMCH.
- The TMCH Guidelines describe Deloitte’s process for validating and accepting submissions in this category.
- As part of this process, Deloitte does not distinguish between “geographical indicators”, “designations (or appellations) of origin”, and other marks that may be entitled to statutory protection.
- As of February 2017, 98 such marks had been submitted and 75 had been successfully validated. Due to Deloitte’s validation process, it was not possible to tell how many amongst the 75 validated marks constitute “geographical indications” as that term may be used in national or regional laws and treaties.
The Working Group also discussed the nature of national, regional and international legal protection for these marks, which are not necessarily the same as or equivalent to registered trademark rights. In light of Deloitte’s response and the Working Group’s discussions, the Working Group agreed to include the above two proposals in the Initial Report for public comment[1].
Working Group Question for Public Comment: The Working Group seeks community input on both proposals, in order to determine the extent of support for either TMCH Individual Proposal #4 or TMCH Individual Proposal #5. The Working Group also welcomes suggestions for ways to reconcile the two proposals, if possible.
[1] Section 3.6 of Trademark Clearinghouse in Module 5 of the gTLD Applicant Guidebook may provide further context for the TMCH Individual Proposal #5. It states the following: “Data supporting entry into the Clearinghouse of marks that constitute intellectual property of types other than those set forth in sections 3.2.1-3.2.3 above shall be determined by the registry operator and the Clearinghouse based on the services any given registry operator chooses to provide.” See: