URS Individual Proposal #2
URS Individual Proposal #2 Legal requirements should be moved from the technical document "URS High Level Technical Requirements for Registries and Registrars"[1] to another document (URS Procedure[2] or URS Rules[3]). The concerning “legal requirements” language is as follows: 4. Registry-Registrar Agreement:
Alternative, leave the “legal requirements” text, but rename the "URS High Level Technical Requirements for Registries and Registrars" document as "URS High Level Requirements for Registries and Registrars". In addition, on ICANN's page https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/urs, change the document’s title from "URS Technical Requirements 1.0" to "URS Registrars and Registries Requirements 1.0". |
Rationale provided by the Proponent: The reason is to avoid confusion among Registries and Registrars. Usually Engineers read technical documents and legal teams read Rules and Procedures. Here we see a legal requirement to include particular text into Registry-Registrar Agreement. This change will simplify the process of understanding the URS implementation for new Registries and Registrars, and reduce the workload for ICANN Compliance/Legal departments without significant changes.
Working Group Deliberation: There was wide support in the Working Group to publish the proposal in the Initial Report to seek public comment.
Working Group Question for Public Comment for Public Comment: The Working Group particularly seeks public comment from the Contracted Parties House with regard to this proposal.
[1] URS Technical Requirements for Registries and Registrars can be downloaded here: https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/urs/tech-requirements-17oct13-en.pdf
[2] URS Procedure can be downloaded here: https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/urs/procedure-01mar13-en.pdf
[3] URS Rules can be downloaded here: https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/urs/rules-28jun13-en.pdf