Sunrise Recommendation #8
Sunrise Recommendation #8 In the absence of wide support for a change to the status quo, the Working Group does not recommend that the scope of Sunrise Registrations be limited to the categories of goods and services for which the trademark is actually registered and put in the Clearinghouse. |
The Working Group had diverging opinions on whether the scope of the Sunrise Registration should be limited to the categories of goods and services for which the trademark is actually registered and put in the TMCH.
Some Working Group members supported limiting the scope of Sunrise Registrations for reasons such as the potential gaming opportunities during the Sunrise Period due to TMCH’s acceptance of non-standard character claim marks and common/dictionary words, as well as the broad scope of registration within the TMCH.
Some Working Group members opposed limiting the scope of Sunrise Registrations for reasons including, but not limited to: 1) the uncertainty regarding the scope and extent of abuses of the Sunrise Period; 2) the potential issues/problems if such limited scope were to be implemented; and 3) Registry Operators’ existing capability to limit the scope of Sunrise Registrations.