WG Charter
Working Group Charter
(adopted 9 March 2016 by the GNSO Council)
Additional updates:
Final list of Charter questions on the TMCH: Final TMCH Charter questions (as of 6 January 2017)
Final list of Charter questions on Sunrise: Sunrise Sub Team report - 27 July 2017
Final list of Charter questions on Trademark Claims: Trademark Claims Sub Team report - 20 July 2017
The Working Group also agreed on a set of questions in relation to Additional Voluntary RPMs being offered by some Registry Operators.
For the URS, the Working Group agreed on a review methodology based on the objectives underlying the refined questions developed for Sunrise and Trademark Claims - a list of topics for review will be identified (drawn from the original URS Charter questions and any additional suggestions agreed by the group), to which a uniform set of high-level questions will be applied.