URS Individual Proposal #1

URS Individual Proposal #1

URS Individual Proposal #1

URS Paragraph 6 says: 

6.2 In either case, the Provider shall provide Notice of Default via email to the Complainant and Registrant, and via mail and fax to Registrant. During the Default period, the Registrant will be prohibited from changing content found on the site to argue that it is now a legitimate use and will also be prohibited from changing the Whois information. 

Option 1: Amend to delete "During the Default period, the Registrant will be prohibited from changing content found on the site to argue that it is now a legitimate use and will also be prohibited from changing the Whois information." and move this text to the section in the policy that indicates how bad faith may be proven (i.e. these behaviors may be used by the Examiner to find bad faith). 

Option 2: Just delete the "During the Default period" text. [Note, there is no Default period defined here or anywhere - the case goes to the Examiner.]


Rationale provided by the Proponent: No one but the registrant and its webhost can change the content on a web page - the passive text indicating that changing it "will be prohibited" is confusing. If changing website content is prohibited (and it appears it is), that text should move to a direct instruction to the registrant, and the procedure should include a note to the Examiner to make all reasonable inferences from such behavior.

Working Group Deliberation: There was wide support in the Working Group to publish the proposal in the Initial Report to seek public comment.