Trademark Claims Recommendation #2
Trademark Claims Recommendation #2 The Working Group recommends that delivery of the Trademark Claims Notice be both in English as well as the language of the registration agreement. In this regard, the Working Group recommends:
The Working Group generally agreed that the current Trademark Clearinghouse Rights Protection Mechanism Requirements on translations of the Claims Notice does not seem effective in informing domain name applicants of the scope and limitation of trademark holders’ rights.
The current requirement (Section states: “The Claims Notice MUST be provided by the registrar to the potential domain name registrant in English and SHOULD be provided by the registrar to the potential domain name registrant in the language of the registration agreement” (bold for emphasis).
The Working Group noted that some Registrars do not translate the Claims into all of the languages that they use when conducting business with new gTLD registrants. As the Claims Notice has inadequacies and shortcomings in the English language in which it was initially drafted, it is implied that it would unlikely be more comprehensible among recipients who do not speak English or are not native speakers.