TMCH Individual Proposal #1

TMCH Individual Proposal #1

TMCH Individual Proposal #1

The TMCH should be responsible for educating rights-holders, domain name registrants and potential registrants about the services it provides. 


Rationale provided by the Proponent: First, the TMCH services are for the community, so for the TMCH to have a successful interaction with the community, the community needs to have a meaningful knowledge of the TMCH services. Second, the TMCH is the best place to explain its own services and correctly identify the stakeholders it interacts with. Third, the TMCH already provides some level of educational material and efforts toward trademark owners, and implementing these efforts to further develop education and outreach for current and potential registrants would serve the fuller community. Fourth, this proposal is aligned in the same direction as some of the new Trademark Claim notices.

Working Group Deliberations: Some Working Group members supported the proposal. In addition, some Working Group members supported a  “hybrid” model in which ICANN org is to be responsible for developing the different sets of materials (including for potential registrants and the general public), which materials will be hosted by the TMCH and possibly distributed by registrars. 

Working Group Question for Public Comment: The Working Group seeks community input as to whether, and if so how and by who, education about the TMCH and its services should be provided.