Trademark Claims Recommendation #4

Trademark Claims Recommendation #4

Trademark Claims Recommendation #4

The Working Group recommends, in general, that the current requirement for a mandatory Claims Period be maintained, including the minimum initial 90-day period when a TLD opens for general registration. 

Note: Some Working Group members asked for public comment on potential exemptions which would then not be subject to a Claims Period of any length, see Trademark Claims Question #2.    


The Working Group generally agreed that where there is a Claims period (see Trademark Claims Question #2), it should be mandatory. The Working Group also generally agreed that the mandatory Claims period should be neither extended nor shortened. The Working Group noted that many trademark and brand owners are in favor of extending the Claims Period, while many other stakeholders (e.g., Registries, Registrars, and non-trademark owner registrants) are opposed to any extension and in favor of shortening the Claims Period. The Working Group ultimately came to an agreement of maintaining the status quo.  

In addition, the Working Group generally agreed that Registries should have a certain degree of flexibility, based on a suitable business model, with the option to extend the Claims Period, provided this does not involve shortening the Claims Period. The Working Group noted that Registry Operators already operate their Claims Period in varying lengths beyond the minimum initial 90-day period.